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How Tote Bags Have Become a Staple of Self Expression

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

All over college campuses, tote bags have become a close runner-up to backpacks in terms of popularity in carrying items. Not only are tote bags roomy and convenient, but tote bags are a fun way to express yourself. Tote bags come in many sizes, colors and designs with different words or images that are sometimes printed onto them, so there are a million different ways to express yourself. 

Tote bags are sold virtually everywhere. Whether it be a music festival or concert, an art museum, a college bookstore or even at a restaurant or coffee shop. Tote bags allow customers to support something they love, while also representing the logo to peers and passerbys, and can even be a great conversation starter. This could be an easy way to show a specific artist you love or function as free publicity for a business you wish to support. They are also a great way to show others exciting places you have been, such as a different state, country, a specific city or even a famous attraction.

Tote bags are a reminder of a place that inspires you or makes you happy. Most souvenirs bought on vacation usually become forgotten about or never really used, but tote bags can be used any day, any time and in a million different ways. A great way to make use of a tote bag is by bringing it to the grocery store instead of getting plastic bags or using it to carry books to the library. 

Tote bags, similar to pins people put on clothing and bags, can also be a great way to display your support for a cause, making them a great way to make a statement without saying anything. For example, during elections, one could carry a tote bag that supports a specific candidate they hope wins or act they want passed. Or tote bags could have the logo of a specific organization or non-profit you support. There are endless ways to show others your views through tote bags, and you can cycle through different ones to display a multitude of causes or organizations that are important to you. 

It is also really simple to make and produce your own tote bags. Many printing websites that make customizable merchandise, such as t-shirts and sweatshirts, also make customizable tote bags. You can pick your size, color and design, along with the quantity you want made. This could be a great form of merchandise for a certain club/organization or group you are a part of instead of the traditional t-shirt. Aside from designing a custom tote bag on a website, it is also a fairly easy process to make a custom tote bag yourself. Most canvas tote bags are a good surface to paint and draw on, and if you use the correct paint/markers, they can also be machine washable too. If you want to get very creative, you could also sew canvas yourself to create the tote bag base prior to adding designs. 

Aside from being extremely useful alternatives to backpacks, tote bags are also a simple way to add a touch of personality to any outfit. A tote bag can display where you’ve travelled, what kind of music you listen to or even an important organization to you. Tote bags are a great way to make an outfit unique while also being super functional. 

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I am a junior at Florida State University studying psychology and minoring in mathematics and communication. I am the Outreach Coordinator at Her Campus FSU. I'm very passionate about art, literature, fashion, pop culture and films!