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How To Gift If Gifting’s Not Your Thang!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

I love gift giving! Thinking about someone I love and piecing together a few things that I think they would love makes my heart extra warm! I love it because it is so satisfying watching it come together and represent that person, and it is one of my love languages, too. But, I know for a fact not everybody feels this way. When gift-giving season comes around, a lot of people are stressed and for some it may even be a cause for anxiety! Have no fear, gift-giver pro is here, and here is a breakdown of the perfect simple gift for anyone. 

  1. Text your person and ask them the simplest question; pretend you are buddy the elf. Hello, what is your favorite color?
  2. From there, you find your statement piece. One thing you know your person likes is this color. This will be the most expensive item, but it doesn’t even have to be that expensive! For instance, a body spray, or maybe a blanket, a mug or even a piece of jewelry. 
  3. Following the centerpiece is where it gets important. Every item you buy after the statement piece must match in color. These items will be smaller and less in value but still add to the ‘specialness’ of the gift. These side items add the spice. When the little things pile up, it looks like a lot, and it is! For instance, you can never go wrong with fuzzy socks or Chapstick that matches, and maybe even a little keychain of some sort would work. This is the simple part. It doesn’t have to stress you out! Just little things that are color-coordinated to add to the effect!
  4. Something always good to include is a favorite food or drink item. If you do not know what this is for your person, ask them! Sometimes this item is difficult to color match, especially with packaging. So, if anything, just get a clear snack baggie, not Ziploc to avoid the color at the top, but just those thin clear bags. From there, tie a ribbon of their color around the top!
  5. To seal the deal, you get a basket or bag (still color-coordinated obviously) and put together your assembled goodies, taller items in the back, smaller items in the front. If you do end up using a basket, sort of angle them inwards, so all of your cute gifties are looking at each other!
  6. A handwritten card, even if you have terrible handwriting, is never a poor choice. On the front of the card, write their name in their favorite color and some little doodles. On the inside, write a sweet message showing the person what they mean to you!
  7. For finishing touches: confetti that matches the color scheme, tissue paper that matches the color scheme, even dried flowers to add that extra little touch to make your gifts sparkle. Actually, you could even include sparkles. For my 18th birthday, my mother put birthday hat shaped sparkles in my gift, and so when I removed the present the sparkles went everywhere! It’s obnoxious, but something about it makes you feel extra special. I still find those birthday hat sparkles in the bottom of my bags. 

Gift giving is nothing to stress about too hard. You’re giving someone a gift, hopefully because you like them, and if they’re in your life, the material value should not change a thing. We are in each other’s lives and in that, we give the gift of presence every day. It shouldn’t matter to your person whether or not the gift is extravagant. It shouldn’t even matter if you give them a gift! But at the end of the day, if you want to make your person feel extra special, hopefully, these tips will help you do just that! 

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Emma Edy Morris is currently a dance major at Florida State University. She will also be receiving her dual degree in Editing, Writing, and Media, and a minor yet to be determined. Emma is a passionate and driven individual. Her artistic ability and creativity in both of her expressive outlets have helped create the woman she is today. She aspires to join both the professional dance world and world of journalism in pursuit of capturing ideas and moments, and cultivating them in a way they can be gifted to the audience.