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How the Sunshine State Has Improved My Mental Health

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Negative 55-degree weather is something I’ve grown accustomed to as a native Minnesotan. I’m used to being cooped up in my house between November and April trying to avoid the harsh northern winter. When people ask me “why Florida State?” I can usually answer them with one word — warmth. I love getting outside but I hate the cold. Florida State University (FSU) has provided me with the ability to get outside during the winter months without freezing to death. This ability to get outside has done wonders for my mental health, and I have seen a huge spike in happiness since I’ve been here.

When I first got to FSU, I noticed a widespread hobby amongst the student body. I couldn’t cross Landis Green without seeing someone in a hammock. For my birthday, I practically forced my friend to buy me a hammock, and to my delight, he delivered. Now, my birthday was in October, but that hammock sat in my closet until I returned from Minnesota after winter break. I got tired of letting it just sit there, so one day in January, we took our hammocks out to Mina Jo Powell Green and set up camp. I instantly fell in love. Being one with nature and simply getting fresh air brought me so much peace. All the stressors of life floated away. It was just me, my hammock and my friends. Since then, I have hammocked many times (and been caught by the FSU and Club Downunder social media staff), and it has improved my satisfaction with my college experience. 

I can recall one specific instance, again on Mina Jo Powell Green, where I realized just how much hanging in the trees was doing for my mental health. It was a beautifully sunny day, and my friends and I were soaking in the rays. It was almost 80 degrees here, and back home, it was maybe 20. I felt so lucky to be able to be wearing a T-shirt and shorts in February. My friend and I ended up having to use the restroom, which turned into an exploration of the Longmire building. After seeing every floor, we went out onto the balcony and ran down the stairs finding a ‘friendship garden’ and a bandshell. We sat in the friendship garden for a bit and reflected on how truly special it was that we were friends. I’ve never felt so happy to be alive in the middle of winter.

I’ve also started exploring Tallahassee more. Something my friends and I have noticed is that during the fall semester, we hardly got off campus, despite all of the natural beauty Tallahassee has to offer. Recently, we have explored Lake Ella and Cascades Park. Getting outside and walking around helps connect me with nature, and really grounds me. I’ve found on days when I go out for a walk, I feel more motivated and refreshed. I also find something so romantic about all of the natural beauty around me. Seeing what nature has to offer reminds me how cool this earth is and helps me appreciate all that I have been blessed by.

It’s no secret that vitamin D is great for mental health. Getting out in the sun helps improve my mood no matter what I’m doing. I’ve been lucky enough to not suffer from seasonal depression, but even so, I can see a considerable improvement in my mood when I do get in the sun. I feel happier, more motivated and blessed to be alive. I’ve made it a goal this semester to get outside for an hour or two each day. Of course, some days I have a big test to study for and I need to lock myself away in Stroz or I won’t get anything done. However, I’ve been mostly successful, and I have never been happier in my life. I have a lot to thank FSU for, but I’m most thankful for the beautiful outdoor spaces it has given me. It truly has improved my mental health.

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I'm from Minnesota, and am a Sophomore Editing Writing and Media major at FSU.