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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Who knew that four years of college would fly by? Pretty much everyone who’s already gone through it warned me, but here I am, a senior wondering why I haven’t spent every single second of my college experience doing something exciting. Leaving college and going into the real world is a scary but exciting transition. Even just the idea of making this transition brings a tinge of anxiety in my gut. With time I’ve seen that when something makes me anxious, I typically need to face it head on or that feeling won’t go away.

Facing it head-on may not be something that can be done by time-traveling to graduation and fast-forwarding through it all. It’s something that can be done by preparing the best I can for the unpredictable future. Part of this is getting myself ready for the realistic expectations of finding a job after college. While I can hope for the best, it’s probably good to remember that it isn’t going to be a smooth ride. Taking the time to refresh my resume to show all the work I’ve done throughout my college experience and the accomplishments I’m most proud of also helps me feel prepared for what’s going to come next.

Ultimately, what happens after college is only partially in my control. I can always put my best foot forward when applying and interviewing for jobs or whatever direction I choose to take after graduation, but once I do my part, those next steps are in the hands of someone else.   

One of the scariest parts of post-grad isn’t even what’s going to come next; it’s the fear that there’s something I missed during my time here at Florida State. I don’t want to leave without knowing I’ve made the most out of my four years here. It’s been important to remind myself that not every memory that I’m grateful for from college has to be the wild, chaotic times. It’s also the chill moments studying with your friends in Strozier or seeing your bestie on campus between classes. Cherish the small moments that typically go unnoticed throughout your day. For me, that’s how I can leave FSU knowing I’ve made the most of every morning, afternoon, and night. 

I can’t go back and redo my college experience once it ends, and as much as I can prepare for the future, I never know what life will bring me. Realistically, I’m not going to get every single opportunity I go for, but knowing I put 110 percent into trying helps me leave fulfilled whether I get it or not. While it’s important to keep my future in mind with this last year ahead, it’s also important to remember what’s happening right now.

By staying present and focusing on the moment, the future will come to me. So yes, post-grad is scary and anxiety-inducing, but it’s also exciting and an entirely new adventure!   

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From Naples, FL Kaitlyn is a student at FSU majoring in Editing, Writing, and Media. During her time at FSU she’s worked on the undergraduate literary staff before moving up to the masthead as well as being apart of the Beta Mu Gamma Phi Beta chapter.