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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

When I was younger, I would spend hours upon hours reading new books and getting lost in fictional worlds. At a time when I had zero responsibilities and all the free time in the world, I took for granted how much I enjoyed being able to get lost in a story. Now, it’s become a lot harder to fall back into that same habit and experience the same adoration I used to. For a long time, I abandoned reading for personal pleasure, as it had become tedious, and I only ever associated it with my academics.

In high school especially, my reading habits were dependent on whatever my English teacher was testing me on. While there is certainly beauty to be found in the classics, it just wasn’t what I was interested in reading. I felt pressured to understand each line, just in case I would later be tested on it. I had to follow a regimented schedule to keep up with class discussions. Over time, it took the joy out of reading for me. 

It’s hard to fall back into the hobbies you used to love. Sometimes, you forget why you enjoyed them, or it’s difficult to fall back into a familiar rhythm. For me, learning to put those doubts aside and find ways to incorporate reading into my life has been a decision I’m extremely grateful for. If you used to be a bookworm but cannot find the passion for literature anymore, or maybe you want to start reading more, here are some of the tips and tricks that helped me: 

find books that actually interest you

This may seem like an obvious starting point, but it’s pretty common to become swept up in the idea of what you should read rather than what you might actually enjoy. Many books fall under a stigma that they are too “embarrassing” or “unproductive” to read. For example, young adult and romance novels are often criticized. Other genres may fall under similar, negative criticisms, which can make people hesitant when reading anything that may be seen as non “sophisticated.”  Not only is this sentiment untrue but it also pushes people to doubt their choices and pick something that doesn’t align with their interests. 

The same thought process can occur when discussing popular, mainstream books. When a book receives lots of praise and media attention, people can feel obligated to read it and feel disappointed if it doesn’t live up to their expectations. From there, they may feel dissuaded from picking up other books and give up on trying altogether. 

Suggestions or reviews can be great resources for finding new books but they are certainly not guaranteed to help you find a story you will love. Once I realized this and became comfortable with not always liking the same books that others did, I became a lot more confident in building my collection. 

set realistic goals

To become consistent with reading, you have to make a habit out of it. Speaking from personal experience, it took a while for me to build up the stamina I once had. When I started consistently reading again, I would get distracted by any and everything. Being able to tune out your thoughts and center in on a story with fresh new characters and plot lines is a skill that needs to be practiced. By setting small, necessary goals for myself, I was able to focus and feel accomplished by achieving these feats. It started simply by forcing myself to finish a chapter before picking up my phone. Then, as that slowly became easier to accomplish, the goals became more complex. 

While goal setting has personally helped me, it can also be daunting. It’s easy to set goals without really understanding what they entail. Ideally, I could dedicate myself to reading dozens of books per month, but forcing myself to meet that goal could end up causing more harm than good. Finding that middle ground of slightly pushing out of your comfort zone but not crossing a line can be hard to find but it is important that you do.

find ways to make reading exciting

Sometimes, all you need is an extra push. When I was having trouble finishing a book or picking up a new one, I found ways to make the experience more fulfilling. For example, I have enjoyed using the app Goodreads as an incentive to read more. It is a fairly simple app that lets me record all of the books that I am reading or plan to in the future. Once I’ve logged a book, I can give it a rating or write a review on it. This is my favorite feature because it has really helped me reflect on what I am consuming and to organize my thoughts. It is also a great resource for discovering new genres or authors. 

A change of scenery can also be helpful. Going to a park, beach or favorite part of campus can help liven up the experience. Sometimes, I will pack a blanket and set up somewhere outside to spend a few hours reading. It feels less confining than being stuck in my room and is a nice way to enjoy nature.

Reading slumps are normal and are not something to feel discouraged by. Once I fully acknowledged this, I was able to get back into the hobbies I used to love. Going forward, I’ve had a lot of success using these tips, and hopefully, you can too. Just remember to stay open-minded and allow yourself some patience. Eventually, you will find a way to make reading a lifelong habit. 

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Shelby is currently a sophomore studying Media/Communication Studies with a minor in Film Studies. She is passionate about reading and writing and is always looking for new movie/TV show recommendations!