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Halloween Costumes I’d Love to See This Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Now that it is officially October, that can only mean one thing: spooky season is right around the corner. Halloween, or Talloween as we like to call it here at Florida State University (FSU), is not to be taken lightly if you plan on celebrating in Tallahassee. You can expect the crowds to get busier and see some fun and creative costumes roaming the streets. If you haven’t begun, now is the time to place your shopping orders and plan your attire.


After the exceedingly successful release of the Barbie movie, I think we can all expect to see some Barbies in many different forms this Halloween. If you’re going for a look straight from the latest movie, there are options such as 80’s rollerblade Barbie, cowgirl Barbie, disco Barbie, or, might I say, weird Barbie! If you want to include your boyfriend so he feels Kenough, I recommend being the iconic pair together. If you want to go outside the 2023 release and more for one of the original Barbies, I would love to see some blonde and brunette besties recreate the Barbie and the Diamond Castle outfits! One thing is for sure: there is so much you can do with a Barbie theme!

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce

Calling all my Swifties! For anybody who wants to relive The Eras Tour, this is a great way to convince a football- lover to match with you and go as Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce this Halloween! For this costume, girls can dress as their favorite Taylor era, and guys simply wear a Kansas City Chiefs jersey. You can also take the approach of matching the outfits the two were seen in as they left Arrowhead Stadium together last Sunday. This costume has something for everybody, considering the whole internet is currently rooting for this couple.  

The Barden Bellas and The Trebel Makers 

I know I’m not the only one who binge-watched Pitch Perfect this summer when it was released on Netflix. You can’t deny that this is one of the best movies to watch when you need a good laugh. If I saw a group go as the Barden Bellas or the Treble Makers this Halloween, I think I would be brought the same type of enjoyment! Bonus points if you start a riff-off, too. 

Remy & Linguini from Ratatouille

If you’re anything like me and search TikTok for costume ideas each year, you may have seen this one posted. Being Remi and Chef Linguini from Ratatouille is an original idea I have seen surfacing around the internet, but I have never actually seen it in person before! I would love to see a pair recreate this look.

Daisy Jones & The Six

For anybody who is into 70s fashion or simply just loved the release of Daisy Jones & The Six when it came on Amazon Prime this past year, this costume is undoubtedly a way of mixing your inner 70s hippie and rockstar aspirations. As a fan of both the show and the book, I would love to see this. This costume needs it’s debut this Halloween!

Rihanna at the Superbowl

If red is your color, you may want to consider recreating Rihanna’s Super Bowl halftime show outfit. This is the time to pay our dues to the queen herself after giving a stellar performance AND revealing she was pregnant simultaneously! I’m still not over this moment of 2023, so I will need to see somebody kill this look again.

After all, this is a week-long holiday when you live in a college town! These are just some of my favorite Halloween costume ideas I would love to see this year.

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Nola Ulik is a staff writer at the Her Campus FSU chapter. She writes articles biweekly covering culture, lifestyle, and campus news. In addition to being a staff writer, Nola is a student at Florida State University studying media and communications and minoring in spanish, and is a member of the ADPi sorority.