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An Open Letter to The End of My Teens

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

As this era of my life comes to a close, I wanted to take some time to reflect on all that I have learned. Entering this stage of my life, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Our teens are pivotal years in our lives and we’re finally starting to think for ourselves. We’re given responsibilities and choices to make. Some of our greatest fears are brought to life and also some of our greatest moments. Everything is heightened: our emotions, situations, consequences and choices. Our entire world is changing and we’re forced to face the great unknown in a new way.

Looking back, if I could give myself some advice on entering this chapter of my life, it would be to be unapologetically you. When we’re able to love ourselves for exactly who we are, it only allows us to become more open to all the world has to offer. My teens consisted of me turning over the thought of my identity. Who am I? What do I want out of life? Am I happy with where I’m going? With the trials that I was faced with, I learned a lot about what’s true to me and what’s real in the core of my being. Like any teen, I struggled with trying to figure this out. Coming to terms with your truth isn’t always easy, especially when you have hundreds of outside voices feeding into your thoughts, it can be hard to differentiate them from your own. There were many times where I didn’t want to put in the effort to make the difference because isolating your thoughts can be scary. What if I’m alone in this? That question plagued me for so long and still does from time to time to this day. As humans, we are terrified of being alone. We rely on companionship to keep us stable, and when you’re in the process of figuring out who you are, the thought that people may not accept your true self can be terrifying. I think this is why so many teens struggle to be themselves. At least, that’s how it was for me.


Courtesy: Live Life Happy

Even though we encounter so many obstacles during this time, we also experience an exponential amount of growth. If you think about it, within these ten years, we formulate so much of who we are. We develop our passions, interests, dislikes and character. For many people, these things are nearly solidified within this time frame. Ten years is incredibly short when we look at it from a historical viewpoint, but it feels like a lifetime at the moment. Although we always possess the ability to grow and open our minds, this process hits a peak for many during these years. I think that instilling this growth mindset into our brains is crucial to our success. Developing this way of thinking for the past ten years has been one of my greatest accomplishments, and I’m sure that it’ll continue to benefit me in my future.

To my teens, thank you for all that you’ve taught me. You have provided me with endless opportunities to grow and excel. I thank you for all of the hardships and tribulations because they gave me reasons to keep trying and to seek my truth in all its authenticity. You have made this chapter of my life a glorious one, and I’m certain that I will carry all the lessons you’ve taught me on to the next one. Thank you for teaching me how to be brave, courageous and kind. Thank you for teaching me that living my life unapologetically and genuinely is the key to true and long-lasting happiness. You have been a great teacher, and I will always cherish our memories.

To my twenties, I am looking forward to all that you have to offer. Let’s have fun.  

Katarina is a senior at Florida State University studying Creative Writing with a double minor in Education and Communications. You can find her at your local library reading a good book or writing for her blog https://katarinamartinez13.wixsite.com/kmartinezreads As an aspiring novelist and content writer, she is always looking to spread love and joy everywhere she goes.
Her Campus at Florida State University.