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Details You May Have Missed in The New “Hawkeye” Trailer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

This year, Disney+ has released multiple new projects for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), including a collection of episodic series’ straight to Disney+ for the first time. These 2021 series’ quickly became fan-favorites such as WandaVisionThe Falcon and The Winter Soldier and LOKI. The newest addition to the Disney+ canon was last Monday’s trailer for Hawkeye

Hawkeye will follow long-time MCU character, Clint Barton. Clint Barton first made his debut to the MCU as a special agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. in Thor (2011). Since then, Clint has been a founding member of the Avengers, fought in Civil War (2016), was imprisoned on the Raft and fought Natasha Romanoff to sacrifice himself for an infinity stone during Endgame (2019). Clint Barton has lived in the shadows throughout most of his MCU appearances throughout the years. 

What can we expect from this new Disney+ show? 

The series will explore Clint reconnecting with his family as they celebrate their first Christmas together in at least five years. It is confirmed that Clint’s entire family was dusted during the Blip, so hopes are high for fans to see cute family moments. We also might get to see the debut of a few new villains, new heroes and new laughs.  Below is a list of a few expectations fans can bank on for Hawkeye. 

Kate Bishop
Hawkeye- Kate Bishop comics
Original photo by Ashmita Shanthakumar

Kate Bishop, played by Hailee Steinfeld, will be introduced as a main character of the new Hawkeye show. Kate, self-proclaimed “World’s Greatest Archer,” is a spunky kid avenger who becomes the protégé of the older Clint Barton. The trailer shows several comedic moments between Kate and Clint as they try to accomplish their missions in time for the holidays.

Lucky the Dog

This trailer introduces us to many new heroes, including a dog. Lucky, the pizza-loving dog, is known for being the super pet to Hawkeye in some of the Marvel comic books from Earth 616. He was originally introduced as “Arrow” and belonged to the Track Suit Mafia (a group of villains who can also be spotted in the trailer!) 

Who is Ronin?

In the trailer, viewers can see Clint watching a newsreel about a vigilante terrorizing an underground market. Clint appears taken aback by the news and fans know why. In Endgame (2019), it is revealed that Clint’s wife and children were dusted in the Blip. As a result, Clint takes on the helm of Ronin and takes out baddies from the shadows without any regulation from S.H.I.E.L.D. Clint only stops being Ronin when Natasha, aka Black Widow, recruits his help. 

Rogers The Musical

One of the many laughs we can see from the trailer of this holiday-themed series comes from the MCU Broadway show, Rogers: The Musical. This is, of course, a play on the Lin Manuel Miranda Broadway show Hamilton. The trailer depicts a New York square billboard display of the playbill. Also seen is a choreographed dance routine of the original Avengers, yet Hawkeye is noticeably missing from the stage. Fans are very excited to see how this comedic parody will be worked into the show.

Hearing Aids

A criticism of the MCU’s depiction of Hawkeye was his lack of hearing loss. In the comic books, Clint Barton has been deaf since 1983 in Hawkeye No. 4. However, up until last Monday, MCU Clint Barton has appeared to be hearing. In the trailer, many fans were quick to spot what resembled a hearing aid in our hero’s ears. Activists have been asking for an obvious representation of Clint’s disability in the MCU for years, and fans could not be more excited about the speculation.

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Ariana White is a Tallahassee native and first-generation college student majoring in Editing, Writing and Media with a minor in Museum Studies and Public Administration at The Florida State University. She is passionate about food justice, women’s rights, arts & culture, and local politics. Ariana has been a staff writer for Her Campus at FSU since January 2021. She has written 20+ articles during her time as a staff writer and leads the column on food sustainability.