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NBC Releases New Season of ‘This is Us’ – What You Should Know

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

For those of you who love NBC’s This Is Us as much as I do, you know that it’s a show filled with love and hardship that recounts how the members of a family cope after the death of a loved one. Jack is arguably the main character of the show in the sense that all of the forward movement within the show stems from him, and who better! Although flawed, Jack is depicted as the perfect man. A good husband. A good father.

I’ve been watching the show since its release and the intricate plotline never ceases to keep me entertained. Although the progression of the characters’ individual stories seem to move slowly, each episode is packed with intricacies while multiple timelines are integrated within the season.

Finally, after much anticipation, season 3 premiered Monday, Sept. 24! Keep reading to find out what’s happened since.

**WARNING: Spoilers!!!**

Jack and Rebecca’s First Date

Most of the character development in This is Us is done through flashbacks within each episode. In the season premiere, even though we as the audience already know the details of Jack’s death, the director included a flashback of Jack and Rebecca’s first date. Once again, we’re brought back to the beginning of things.


Courtesy to NBC


Kate and Toby try to get pregnant

After their accidental pregnancy, followed by a devastating miscarriage, Kate and Toby decide to seek help to conceive a child. They are consulted by a doctor that basically tells them that they have less than a ten percent chance of achieving a healthy pregnancy. This is due to multiple factors that not only include her previous pregnancy but also Kate’s weight. Her health condition puts her at high risk for the in-vitro fertilization procedure. Although initially rejected, the characters move forward with acceptance by both their doctors and Kate’s mom, Rebecca, but remain cautious.

Randall adopts his foster daughter

All throughout season two, one of the pivotal moments in Randall’s storyline was the entry of his new foster daughter, Deja. While at first, it didn’t seem like she was accumulating well to living with them, she has continued to bond with Randall as well as his wife and their two daughters as time goes on. Deja’s mom made a brief appearance in season 2, causing conflict within their home, but season 3 shows resolution and peace for Randall in their home life brought by Deja’s decision to officially become adopted into their family.

Kevin’s new relationship

From the beginning of the show, Kevin has been depicted as a player. The audience has seen him in varying relationships including his failed attempt to rekindle things with his ex-wife. Now he’s seeing Beth’s cousin Zoe— surprise! He is attempting to test the waters of their dynamic and seems to be discovering that he actually wants a serious relationship in his life, but does she? Keep watching to find out!

Cliff Hanger

All of these events unravel in time for the premiere of Kevin’s new movie. While most of the conflict seemed to have resolved itself by this point, the end of the episode opens up new tensions between Randall and Kate. In a time of uncertainty about her choice to participate in IFV, Kate made a statement that she was the only one capable of passing along a part of their father, Jack. Going back one more time to his significance to each of them, this seemed to hit both of her brothers hard, particularly Randall. Considering his adoption, it’s easy to see why this would be such a sensitive topic of discussion and how his feelings could be hurt by what she said. As the lights go down in the theater, the episode ends with an intense look between the two. This is surely one of the highlights of episode 4!


Courtesy to Romper


Been too busy studying? To watch the episodes you’ve missed, check out Hulu where This is Us is streaming!

Or if you want to hear from Mandy Moore herself on what you might be expecting in the future of the show, see her live interview on Jimmy Kimmel.

Find additional videos and cast interviews here. 

Isabella Sirkis is senior at the Florida State University majoring in Editing, Writing, and Media and minoring in communications. She currently works as a University Ambassador giving campus tours to prospective students and alumni, as well as competes with the Women's Varsity Rowing Team.
Her Campus at Florida State University.