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Is Micro-Cheating Considered Cheating?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, we want to make sure it’s smooth sailing with your significant other before candy hearts go breaking. So this week, we’re addressing a popular new topic called micro-cheating.

Courtesy: Shortlist Images

What is micro-cheating?

I had the same question. After about two minutes of Googling, I found that micro-cheating is by definition, “a series of seemingly small actions that indicate a person is emotionally or physically focused on someone outside their relationship.”

Well gals and guys, I don’t know about you but for me that seemed a bit broad. What exactly did it mean by “seemingly small actions?” It seemed to be pretty much up to the interpreter to decide whether someone is micro-cheating or not. This may be a scary realization for some, because many are unaware of micro-cheating.

If you’re anything like me, then you need real life examples. I’m a visual learner, so don’t worry, I’ve provided some evidence.

Example one: if you’re hiding a contact’s name under a different name in your phone.

Example two: if you don’t tell your significant other that you are communicating with an ex. Yikes. (Side note: Honestly, y’all should just avoid the ex. There’s a reason they aren’t current.)

Example three: if your partner feels that she/he is competing for your attention.

Obviously, not all micro-cheating is limited to what I just listed above, but it gets your mind started in the right direction.

Is it ever OK?

I’m going to be honest here, when I first began looking into micro-cheating I thought it was a reach. I thought it was just a way to limit my social interactions with friends and monitor what I am wearing and who I am talking to. This would be a big concern with any male or female who contains at least one independent bone in their body.

But after doing some research, it hit me plain as day that this wasn’t true. Micro-cheating, in my humble opinion, is a gateway to further cheating. So I would have to say that it is never really okay to engage in. The goal in a relationship is not to make your significant other feel as though they are competing for your love or attention. However, if that’s not how you and your S.O. roll then just communicate. If you feel like things are getting out of hand, the best thing to do is to talk about it.


Be aware of what your partner is engaging in. Don’t be nosey but always trust your instincts, as they are usually right. You deserve to have a great Valentine’s Day and a happy relationship. So that’s just my word of advice for this week. If you think that micro-cheating is going on in your relationship, don’t be afraid to talk about it. Best wishes and have a happy Valentine’s Day!

Her Campus at Florida State University.