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Michael Walsh: A Traditional Italian with a Love for Film

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Name: Michael Walsh

Major: Digital Media Production

Year: Junior

Hometown: Plainview, NY

Relationship Status: Single

Courtesy: Michael Walsh

Her Campus (HC): What made you choose to major in media production?

Michael Walsh (MW): I’ve honestly always loved film. Around the time I was four years old and saw Star Wars for the first time, I knew that working in film was what I wanted to do forever.

HC: What is it about film that you enjoy the most?

MW: I love the idea of being on set and all the different parts from editing to writing to shooting. My favorite part by far is just going on set for the whole day and shooting away, setting up new shots, meeting the actors and telling them what to do and stuff. It’s a great time for interaction, especially when we have the opportunity to break for lunch and get to know one another. Every time I shoot, it’s always a very relaxed setting where nothing is ever really rushed. 

HC: Favorite genre to film?

MW: I wouldn’t say that there is any one specific genre that I prefer, but I would say that I always like to inject some kind of comedy within it. When we are on set we’re trying to laugh and have a good time. If that is able to come through onto the screen, then that’s always a good thing.

HC: Favorite Movie?

MW: Going back to Star Wars. It would be Star Wars for sure. It just grabbed by attention and imagination for everything. 

HC: Give us your ideal movie date. Go!

MW: First we’d go out to eat at a nice restaurant, but I hold the door open for everyone so dinner wouldn’t even happen because I’d be stuck at the door. *Laughs.* No, but I’d go somewhere Italian of course. And then we’d see a Star Wars type of movie. I’d be down for getting some ice cream afterwards. My favorite flavor is usually vanilla or strawberry cheesecake. Strawberry cheesecake is delicious because it’s like that random wildcard.

HC: Italian is never a bad option! What are some qualities that you tend to look for in a potential partner?

MW: Someone who is just fun to be around. I want a girl who likes to talk and go out and be active. Honestly, I want someone who is adventurous and doesn’t mind going out to parties or go dancing. I really just want someone who is an all-around people person.

HC: So tell us one thing people don’t know about you.

MW: I was born with cancer. I went through several months of chemo, but I don’t remember much. You grow up with the scars so I think that’s always interesting. It reminds me every morning when I look at it that I should seize the day.

HC: Wow, what an amazing outlook to have on life, Michael! We know that being a media production major can take up a lot of time, but is there anything else on campus that you are involved with?

MW: I always participate in Relay for Life because of the cancer that I had. There’s something within me that is pretty resentful for the fact that it tried to kill me. So taking part in Relay gives me the opportunity to go back and attempt to end it. Other than that, I do a lot of production work with my major. We work on a lot of documentaries and sports features so that keeps me pretty busy.

HC: What’s your favorite thing about being at FSU?

MW: I like my major a lot. Doing all the production work, having access to all that equipment and the people in my major. Most of my classmates and I get along really well so it’s fun to work with them. To go outside of that, I would just say the friends that I have made here and of course football game day. You know, that’s always fun. It’s always fun to be able to get together and just go crazy.

HC: One last question. What types of music do you usually listen to?

MW: I like Maroon 5, pop and classic rock. I like a lot of classic pop too. Not so much into the newer stuff. I’m into R&B from Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder and stuff like that. A little bit of jazz and blues might go in there also, but Frankie Valli has a special place. He’s up there. 

Her Campus at Florida State University.