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Michael Peberdy: Businessman and Menswear Extraordinaire

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Great style and an awesome personality are just the gist of being a likeable individual. You have to have wit, loyalty and determination to make yourself stand out amongst a crowd. Taking the initiative to be a leader is an admired trait, and Michael Peberdy is truly recognized for that. Not only is he the Menswear Director for Clutch Magazine, but he also holds the title of Student Liaison for CMA (Collegiate Merchandising Association). Talk about a busy guy!

Name: Michael Peberdy

Hometown: Pensacola, FL

Year: Junior

Her Campus (HC): You are so involved! What inspired you to take leadership positions on campus?

Michael Peberdy (MP): When I transferred to FSU I knew that I wanted to make my time on campus memorable. I wanted to get involved in something that interested me, so I started off with choosing CMA, and then after I realized that the people involved were amazing, and had big things planned for themselves, I decided that taking my involvement one step further was the right choice for me, and eventually I found my way to Clutch through CMA.

HC: Student Liaison is such an important role and connecting with the student body seems like a challenging task. How do you plan to engage with the individuals on campus?

MP: Being the Student Liaison for CMA this year is really important for us as a club, because we are changing things up a bit and looking to make it all about our members. Kendyl, my partner in my Student Liaison role, and myself are planning “socials” for our members that include business tours, retail outings, and field trips to fashion events in places like Jacksonville and Atlanta. CMA is meant to be enjoyable while getting to be social and having a chance to network, so that’s what we’re aiming for!

HC: What is one of your favorite aspects of working with Clutch Magazine? Fashion plays such a huge role in your position, what are some of your favorite looks around campus?

MP: My favorite aspect would have to be the amount of creativity and team work that goes into the magazine. I love that I have this blank canvas to come up with an entire concept for menswear, and that in the end I get to come together with the other directors and make one cohesive vision.

HC: What do you hope to accomplish as Student Liaison for CMA and Menswear Director for Clutch Magazine?

MP: My goals for both positions are pretty similar, as boring as that sounds…but my goals really are to just make CMA the best club that it can be, and for Clutch to have its best issue yet. Whether it’s the other CMA officers or the other Clutch directors that I’m talking about, we have an amazing team; so I’m just hoping that I can live up to the expectations and accomplish some awesome things this semester!

Michael is a relatable individual and a man of many talents, balancing school, social life and extra-curricular activities. He enjoys what he is doing and the organizations he is representing and is certainly a student we need to keep our eyes on. I’m confident that we can expect more great things and leadership examples from him in the future.

Recent college graduate from Florida State University who decided to take my ambition to Atlanta!!
Her Campus at Florida State University.