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Meet Taylor Edmonds: A Man of Achievement and Your New #ManCrushMonday

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Name: Taylor Edmonds

Age: 22

Major: Theater

Year: Senior

Hometown: Naples, FL

Relationship Status: Single

HC (Her Campus): What is your graduation plan? 

TE (Taylor Edmonds): I am moving to Los Angeles in January to pursue my career in acting.

HC: What is your favorite movie?

TE: My favorite movie is without a doubt Princess Bride; love that movie I can quote it top to bottom.

HC: What’s your favorite quote?

TE: I love the quote “The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary” by Vince Lombardi.

HC: Are you involved in any organizations on campus?

TE: I am. I’ve done a lot since I’ve been here. I was an RA for a couple of years. I was a C.A.R.E Ambassador this summer. Shout out to C.A.R.E 2014. I’m a member of Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity incorporated, of which I’m very proud. I also did speech and debate one year. I’m kind of low key now in my old age. I feel like I’m getting so old.

HC: What kind of qualities do you look for in a girlfriend?

TE: I like somebody who is honest and someone who know how to communicate. A big thing with me is communication. That goes hand-in-hand with honesty.  I also like someone who is not afraid to be spontaneous once in a while. 

HC: What about physical appearance?

TE: You know what? I really don’t mind what you look like. I care more about how you are as a human being. But, you know I appreciate a woman who’s classy and takes care of herself.  I like a woman who has good fashion sense. I always comment on girls’ bags, shoes, and watches. I think it throws them off a bit because they don’t expect me to know those types of things but I appreciate that because I like to spoil my ladies. That’s a big thing with me.

HC: Well we hear you like trivia?

TE: How could I forget! I seem to have this obsession with trivia. They have this think fast game show every Seminole Sensation week. There is a two hundred dollar cash prize and I have won it three years in a row somehow. I’m blessed, to have won that. I’m not trying to brag but that was no easy task. I also go to Tomahawk on Tuesdays.  I hear Po’Boys is getting trivia there so I’m about to hit that up. You know I’m about to get me some gumbo and answer some questions now.

HC: If you could describe yourself in one word, what would be and why?

TE: Relentless. Because I will not stop for the things that I love whether it is my career goals or my family and friends. I like to say I don’t have dreams. I have goals.  Dreams are the things you think about doing but never really accomplish. Goals are the things that you are going to do and you do them. My ultimate goal in life is to be the best possible father to my children that I can be, that’s a very personal goal to me. Secondly, would be to win an academy award, of course. I don’t have a backup plan. I don’t intend to fail. I say I’m not trying to become a famous actor because trying means the intention to fail. I’m going to and I will not stop until I do.  That’s why I say relentless.

HC: What made you decide to join your fraternity?

TE: Oh I get asked that question all the time. I fit in there, that’s what it boils down to. I don’t change who I am for them. I felt comfortable. I felt at home. I felt natural. I can be my exact self. The types of gentlemen that they attract to their fraternity are people who uphold the ideals of achievement in every field of human endeavor. That just really struck a chord with me. It took me a while to make that leap because I was unsure of myself at first. Mostly because of the fact that I am a white male and it is a predominantly African-American fraternity. At the end of the day the only person that was holding me back was myself. They welcomed me with open arms and I’m happy to have found my home there.

Lastly, a special shout out from the dapper campus cutie:

I’d like to give a shout out to the Theta Eta nupes, CARE 2014, SLG and mi hija, the Davishon and of course the lovely ladies of Gamma Phi Beta.

Janecia Britt, originally from Tampa, FL is a junior at Florida State who’s enchanted by all things fashion, interior design and art. Majoring in Editing, Writing and Media with a minor in Communication, she has big goals to move to NYC after graduation. She's a brand ambassador for eff.y.bee jewelry, a member of the Victoria Secret PINK Street Team and a Lady SpiritHunter! When she’s not writing for HerCampus, she is baking, crafting and cooking for her friends. You can find her taking Step and Pilates classes at the Leach or canvassing all the boutiques of Tallahassee. She’s a busy bee but puts her heart and soul into everything she does (including her infamous desserts).
Her Campus at Florida State University.