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Meet Sexy, Stylish Campus Cutie: Alejandro Aparicio

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Name: Alejandro Aparicio

Age: 20

Major: Retail Merchandising and Product Development

Year: Junior

Hometown: St. Augustine, FL

Relationship Status: In a Relationship

Her Campus (HC): Where do you work?

Alejandro Aparicio (AA): I work at the Bobby E. Leach Center as a customer service representative. And I just got a job as a secretary for the College of Human Sciences.

HC: What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re not working or at school?

AA: I like to play soccer.

HC: Why soccer?

AA: Because I really enjoy soccer and I have been doing it since I was little, I am also good at it. I like competition because I like winning. Winning is fun.

HC: What are your post-graduation plans?

AA: I am probably going to do an internship related to my major, something that has to do with trend forecasting.

HC: What is trend forecasting?

AA: In the fashion industry, there are companies that go out and predict different trends that are happening and they report that to designers. You pretty much travel to different locations, for example, Milan or Paris and study the styles that are coming up.

HC: What made you interested in fashion?

AA: I have always liked clothes. When I was little, I always made sure my shirt was tucked in, my shoes matched, and I would always dress myself. I would freak out if something looked bad. Fashion has always been something that has interested me since I was a child.

HC: Are you involved in any organizations on campus?

AA: Yes. I play right back for the men’s soccer club and I am also the secretary. I am the treasurer for AATCC (American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists) as well as the menswear director for Swatch magazine. I was actually on the cover last semester.

HC: Wow! You are really involved. What’s your favorite activity out of all of them and why?

AA: Soccer and Swatch are my two favorite. Swatch is something I am more interested in because it’s the kind of field I want to go into and it gives me experience. I just like soccer, I have watched it and kept up with it my whole life and I am just really into it.

HC: What’s your favorite thing to do when you go back home?

AA: I like to hang out with my friends from high school. I am really close to them, it’s a small town and I grew up with the same eight kids.

HC: What’s your favorite type of music?

AA: Rap. I like to listen to Kanye West, Eminem, Jay-Z, and Chief Keef.

HC: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

AA: London. London is known for men’s tailoring and suits on Saville Row, home of some of the world’s most renowned tailors. Also because my favorite soccer team, Arsenal FC, is from London.

HC: I see you are really into suits. Describe your ideal suit.

AA: It would be a midnight blue jacket, one button with narrow black lapels. The jacket would be velvet, black pants, white shirt, black slim tie (not skinny) also made of velvet, black polished loafers. I would like to design it myself.

HC: We know about your ideal suit but what do you look for in an ideal mate?

AA: Tall, but not taller than me. In shape, but not obsessed with the whole fitness trend that is going around. Smart, confident, someone that I can just chill with and not have to worry about impressing on a daily basis. Someone who is there to make my day better, not more stressful.​

Her Campus at Florida State University.