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Meet Nick Casler: Seminole, Cheerleader, Gymnast, and Campus Cutie

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

After sitting down with Nick over some coffee, it’s evident that he not only has the looks and the brains, but the talent and the heart of an extraordinary person, student-athlete, and all-around Campus Cutie.

Name: Nick Casler

Hometown: Orlando, Florida

Year: Sophomore, Class of 2016

Major: Biology with a minor in Spanish

HC (Her Campus): What do you want to do with your degree in the future?

NC (Nick Casler): I hope to go to medical school and be an orthopedic surgeon in the future!

HC: What are you involved with on-campus?

NC: FSU Cheerleading, Honors Delegates, and HAS.

HC: Any favorite sports?

NC: I love gymnastics.

HC: What is one interesting fact about you?

NC: I competed in the 2011 World Age Group Championships for tumbling.

HC: Any celebrity crushes?

NC: I’d have to say Logan Lerman and Colton Haynes.

HC: What’s your favorite movie?

NC: Currently it’s Perks of Being a Wallflower (where my crush on Logan Lerman originated).

HC: Do you have any favorite foods and/or restaurants around Tallahassee?

NC: My favorite foods are tomatoes off the vine and I love going to Monks and getting burgers after football games.

HC: Is there anything you can’t live without?

NC: I don’t think I could ever live without having a car because I use it so much and I love being able to get around with ease.

HC: What’s your favorite part about Florida State?

NC: On-campus unity and the strong school spirit!

HC: What’s the best advice you could give for girls at FSU?

NC: Get involved in things you love and focus on yourself! These four years are about creating the foundation for the rest of your life! Have fun, be safe, and don’t ever settle for anything less than your best. 

 Alexandra Lauren is a senior at Florida State, born and raised in Miami, Florida, and has a passion for books, traveling, coffee, and 90’s R&B. 
Kalie Marsch is a senior at Florida State University majoring in Editing, Writing and Media within the College of English. She aspires to work in magazine publishing and editing in the future, and lives for New York Fashion Week. When she's not busy with work or school, she loves to shop, read magazines and online style blogs, sit down with a good book, or go to the gym. She is obsessed with New York City and plans to move there after graduating from college. Kalie also loves being involved on campus and meeting new people. She is super excited to work with Her Campus and looks forward to helping make the FSU chapter the best it can be!