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Meet Adrian Romero!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Name: Adrian Romero

Year: Junior

Major: Risk Management/Insurance & Business Management

Hometown: Pembroke Pines, Florida

Campus Involvement and Extracurriculars: IFC President, Chief Justice, Orientation Leader, Chief of Staff and Board of Directors for Governmental Affairs, Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, Softball IMs, Soccer IMs, Basketball IMs, Golf, and going out with my brothers.


Her Campus (HC): What do you like most about being a student at Florida State?

Adrian Romero (AR): Being a student at Florida State means that I enjoy a campus atmosphere that allows me to excel. Our campus attitude is very positive and we have everything going for us. Football, success, and a good time run through our veins.

HC: What’s your dream job?

AR: Since I was a kid, I’ve played sport after sport with the influence of my father and my late great-grandfather. They pushed me to excel, and I became fairly good at soccer, baseball, and golf. As I enjoyed leadership, I decided to put sports on the back burner, and focus on the management side of teams and how they were being run. I also realized that I was just a great debater. Sports and law are the two subjects I came down to in order to cover the spread of my career; that is why I would love to live the life of a sports agent.

HC: What do you like to do on the weekends?

AR: The beauty of Tallahassee is that during the week you can go to school and have school be your 9 – 5 job. Then on weekends, when there aren’t any tests on Monday or Tuesday, you can relax and have a good time. I’m a fan of going to the pool, playing golf with my brothers, playing basketball and soccer, smoking cigars, and just making the most of my social life at Florida State.

HC: Who is your celebrity girl crush and why?

AR: I have always been attracted to Charlize Theron. The slight accent and that Dior commercial got me. She seems sophisticated and interesting, [someone] I can learn [new] things about; that, to me, is intriguing to find in a woman.

HC: What kinds of values and qualities do you look for in a person to date?

AR: I like to be with a woman that enjoys a good time and the company of a chivalrous man. I was raised to treat a woman right, and that is how I feel I should continue to live my life. Happiness for both people in a relationship is the key to a successful relationship. I enjoy a girl who can talk to me for hours and keep genuine conversation. I like a girl who is somewhat selfish so that I can make her happy, since it’s not all about me. Having strong morals and an openness to understand that I am a very busy person is an added plus. On the conversation of my choice of entertainment, I enjoy the finer things in life (aka good restaurants and upscale bars). Don’t get me wrong, I also love the occasional relaxing time where Netflix is on the menu.

HC: Do you have any quirks to your personality?

AR: We are all weird in our own ways. I’m pretty weird and I admit it. I can’t really put words to describe it. I love to joke around and say corny jokes from time to time. More than anything, I love to laugh. Also, I enjoy looking sharp, so I will never go out without polishing my shoes and tying the best tie knot possible.

HC: What are your favorite TV shows?

AR: Suits, Modern Family, House of Cards, and anything on Food Network.

HC: What’s something most people don’t know about you?

AR: My father has always been there for me to lead me through life and guide me towards success and a happy, chivalrous lifestyle. The strongest United States Marine I know, my father never cried but did show emotion in the form of love, care, and never-ending support. September 2007 came along and my father’s true colors showed. When I was a freshman in high school, it was Labor Day weekend, and I was spending the weekend in the Keys at my uncle’s condo. I was in-between my father’s boat and my uncle’s boat on the way to a sand bar in my cousin Ryan’s boat, who also goes to FSU. He was driving as we saw [the] intoxicated driver of a speed boat nearly ram us with his boat. We then hit his wake behind his boat and my boat flipped over. As I was tossed in the air, my leg came in contact with the [boat’s] propeller and I was knocked unconscious into the water. As I woke in a pool of blood, my cousin was yelling and I had no clue why. I suddenly realized a 10 inch diameter laceration in my leg. My father came to pull me out of the water, as I couldn’t move from being in shock. He was crying and yelling at the top of his lungs for his baby son to be okay. He couldn’t contain himself, but my father saved my life. Doctors said that the laceration was 3 mm from my femoral artery and I would have died right then and there if it had not been for my father, who stopped the bleeding and kept me alive with fluids. I was locked [in] a hospital bed for a month or so, and couldn’t walk for two months. He was there every step of the way — day in and day out. He showed me his vulnerable side and that day truly changed my life. It showed me just how important family is and the love you show. I look forward to showing the same love to my kids one day, so they know that everything I do is for their health, success, and safety. 

HC: What is one piece of advice you would give to freshmen starting at FSU? 

AR: As a freshman, I made the university a lot smaller by taking a leap of faith and joining Pi Kappa Phi. I encourage freshman to take leaps of faith and make the most of your time at FSU. This is the richest university in comfortability because everyone is genuinely happy and welcoming. Don’t be scared of failure or not being able to fit in. Even if you fail, you get right back up. “Every setback is just a setup for a greater comeback.”

Her Campus at Florida State University.