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Makeup Secrets Every Beginner Needs to Master

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Summer is winding down and fall is upon us. You know what that means boys and girls? It means you can confidently beat your face without worrying that your sweat is going to tear it apart in less than ten minutes.

Makeup is an art and what’s beautiful about it is that it’s so uniquely you. These versatile tips are geared towards those who consider themselves beginners at makeup and would like to up their makeup game this season.

1. Moisturize your face

If you haven’t heard this by now then let me be the first to say it: MOISTURIZE! You need to moisturize your skin before starting your makeup routine. Your makeup game is going to get stronger if you take care of your skin. Personally, I have oily skin so the idea of adding moisture to my already shiny face was terrifying. I was sure that following this tip was going to make my face slide right off. Surprisingly, I found that a lot of drugstore moisturizers can be very drying and can wreak havoc on your skin. You don’t need to spend big bucks on high-end moisturizers but you do need to find one that works for your skin.


2. Cover your bases

When picking out your makeup, primarily primer and foundation, make sure that the bases of your products match. Primers and foundation usually have either a water, oil, or silicone base. As a writer, math and science have never been a strong suit of mine but, I do know that oil and water don’t play well together. If your bases don’t match that could be the reason why you’re experiencing your makeup slipping off your face. Finding the base of the product is as easy as conducting a Google search. The base should be listed in the description of the product. It may seem small but it is so important.

3. Conceal don’t feel

This tip is a trick that I came across while watching James Charles, one of my favorite beauty influencers, on YouTube. This is something that I would not have thought of myself but has made a huge difference to my makeup game, especially when I have to wear a full face of makeup in the Florida heat. A big problem that many people face is makeup wearing off of the nose region. James Charles offers a solution to this problem. He suggests that you take a cream concealer and completely cover the nose region or any area where your makeup is prone to wearing off. This way if your foundation does abandon you then your concealer will have your back. I have used this trick and it works! Save this trick for those days when you want a full coverage look because, as James warns, this trick is not good for a natural look.

4. Apply cream first then powder

There are a couple of rules that shouldn’t be broken in the makeup world. One of them is don’t apply cream products after you have applied your powder products. Always apply your cream and then set it with powder. For example, if you contour with a cream product then you should set your cream contour with a powder bronzer. This also applies to concealers. The best way to ensure that your concealer doesn’t crease is to set your concealer with a powder. Think of powders as a finishing step to keep all those products locked in place.



5. Avoid the cake face at all costs

With all this talk of powder, you’re probably wondering: “How do I apply so much without looking cakey?” This is where a good setting spray or water spray comes in handy. As you are continuing through your makeup look, don’t be afraid to give your face a little spritz with some MAC Fix Plus or one of your favorite sprays. This will help melt that powder into your skin and keep you from looking dusty and dry.

I hope these little tips and tricks will help to make a difference in your makeup routine. As I said earlier, makeup varies from person to person so not all of these tricks are going to work for everyone. However, they are a good baseline to get you started. 

All images courtesy of Giphy.

Her Campus at Florida State University.