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Lorissa Estevill: Advice from a Transfer Student

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Name: Lorissa Estevill

Year: Junior

Hometown: Miami, Florida

Major: Political Science

Relationship status: Single

Courtesy of Lorissa Estevill.

Her Campus (HC): Why did you decide to transfer to Florida State?

Lorissa Estevill (LE): Honestly, it’s been my dream school since I was little. I wanted to get out of Miami and experience new things.

HC: How is college life in Miami different than college life at Florida State?

LE: I feel like Tallahassee has the real college experience. Miami is a party city. When you watch a movie or show portraying college with all the sororities and clubs and different activities going on, I picture Florida State. I go back home and FIU and Miami-Dade can’t even compare.

HC: How was your transition like going from Miami to Tallahassee?

LE: It was a little hard. I’m an only child, so I’m used to be being “mommy’s little girl” and “daddy’s little girl.” It was hard because I was so close to my mom and my dad and I had to detach and do my own thing.

HC: What did you do to make the transition easier?

LE: Luckily I knew a couple people, so that made it easier. Joining organizations and participating in activities played a significant part. Through that, I’ve met some of my closest friends.

Courtesy of Lorissa Estevill.

HC: What do you think is the difference between starting your freshman year versus transferring later to Florida State?

LE: I think starting at FSU as a freshman could be really scary. You’re so much younger and you’ve never experienced college. I feel like you’re more susceptible to peer pressure and getting into the wrong thing. As a transfer, I had time to stay home and see what college is all about and mature while I still had that support system from family.

HC: What made you decide to wait?

LE: I stayed mostly for my mom. She didn’t want me leaving yet and I had gotten accepted into a school in Missouri with my best friend. She didn’t think I was ready and she wasn’t ready to let go yet.

HC: What advice would you give transfer students who are having a hard time adjusting?

LE: Find a support system. Make friends who actually value you and respect you. That’s the best thing I could’ve done. Without my friends I probably would be hating college right now and stressing out.

Her Campus at Florida State University.