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From London to Tally to Cali: Kirun Kadiwar Talks Friendship and Future

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Name: Kirun Kadiwar

Major: Exercise Science

Hometown: Punta Gorda, FL

Relationship Status: Single

Courtesy: Kirun Kadiwar

Her Campus (HC): What made you choose Florida State?

Kirun Kadiwar (KK): When I toured it, it was the first school I loved. I fell in love with the campus, but at first I wasn’t sure of where I really wanted to go. I wanted to gain independence though, and find myself by not being so close to home.

HC: Have you lived anywhere out of state?

KK: Yes, I was born in London and I moved here at a very young age but I go back a lot because all of my family is there.

HC: Why did your family decide to move to the U.S.?

KK: I think they wanted to start a new life. My parents went to school in London after moving from Africa. When they decided they wanted to start a family they thought the U.S. would have more options for them and be a good place to do that.

HC: What’s a typical weekend for you?

KK: On Friday’s or Saturday’s my friends and I go to Moda to support a friend that bartends there. Afterwards we will go get fast food at whatever place isn’t busy and is still open, normally Taco Bell, and then we go sit in a circle on my floor and eat it (not sure why). Then on Sunday’s we get Starbucks in the morning, hangout and watch T.V.

HC: What do you enjoy doing in your off-time?

KK: There isn’t much off-time between school and work, but when there is, I watch Keeping up with the Kardashians, The Bachelorette, Chrisley Knows Best, and then some Family Feud with the roomies.

HC: What can you not go without?

KK: Without a doubt, coffee.

HC: How would you describe your experience thus far at FSU?

KK: I feel like I’m the luckiest person and I have the greatest group of friends I could ever ask for. We are all so different but all go together so well. It’s like a family away from home.  I love spending time with the close friends that I’ve made here. We hangout, have awkward themed parties and have family dinners. It’s nice to have a group of friends that you can do anything with and still have a good time. People would think it takes a lot to have a close group of like ten friends but it comes pretty easy to us.

HC: How did you meet everyone?

KK: I was lucky enough to meet all of them my second semester of freshmen year at Smith Hall. After that point, we pretty much have done everything together. When people would find out that I lived in Smith Hall they would pity me, but it was really the best thing that could have happened to me that year.

HC: What are your plans after graduation?

KK:  I have an internship in California this summer, so I’m hoping to get into USC and be a part of their physical therapy program. Hopefully after that, I’ll be able to stay out there and eventually start my own practice. 

Hope is a Junior double majoring in Media Communication Studies and Sociology. She enjoys listening to music, traveling, and spending time by the pool/beach.
Her Campus at Florida State University.