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Cynthia Nixon as “Miranda Hobbes,” Sarah Jessica Parker as “Carrie Bradshaw,” Kristin Davis as “Charlotte York.”
Cynthia Nixon as “Miranda Hobbes,” Sarah Jessica Parker as “Carrie Bradshaw,” Kristin Davis as “Charlotte York.”

Here’s How ‘Sex and the City’ Answers These 5 Relatable Relationship Questions

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

We all have that one friend we go to with all our relationships, friendship, and life problems. Even worse, sometimes we think we have all the answers. For me, there are just some questions you need some 30 to 45-year-old fictional women to assist you with.

The answers to life’s most pondered questions are in Sex and the City. Each episode has a major question (or a couple) that gets answered through experience. You might think you know the answer, but you’d be surprised.

Is monogamy too much to expect? (Season 1 episode 7)

As much as I want to be a Samantha Jonestype girl, I think I’m truly a sucker for relationships. Call me old-fashioned, but I don’t really want to share my guy with anyone. Even if it’s a friends-with-benefits situation, I want it to be exclusive. That’s why after my first college breakup with my high school sweetheart, I was worried. I go to a huge university where hookup culture is the norm. Am I crazy for expecting monogamy?

In this episode of SATC, Carrie finds out Mr. Big is dating other women. What’s true in the show and normally true in real life is that the man is fine with a non-exclusive relationship until he knows the girl is also seeing other guys. Is this hypocritical? I think yes! Fortunately, there’s a boatload of hot and mediocre men out there who actually like monogamy.

We’re women in 2024. If monogamy is what we want, monogamy is what we can get.

Is it better to fake it than be alone? (season 2 episode 4)

No. Samantha and I can agree on this, but if you have to fake it, leave him. We deserve it all, so unless you are an aspiring actress in need of practice, dump him.

Can you change a man? (season 2 episode 9)

This is a question Carrie will forget the answer to throughout the entire show, so as the viewer, the correct answer will be proved again and again. The answer is no.

Baby girl, the smartest thing this show has taught me about men is that you should never ask a man twice for something. If he cares and respects you, he’ll be willing to do it for you. But a man will never ever change. He might tweak some things, but he’ll never change.

A common rule Miranda practices on the show is not to wait for a man to be who she wants them to be. She simply keeps moving and doesn’t waste time. You can either accept who he is and stay with him or accept who he is and leave.

Can you ever really forgive if you can’t forget? (season 4 episode 7)

This one hits a little too close to home. In this episode, Carrie and Aidan are back together after she cheated on him with Big. I’m trying to work on it, but I think you can forgive someone after you get a little revenge. Depending on how hurt I am, I don’t know if I can fully forgive. I might have to resort to just moving on or waiting for time to heal.

Why is it always something? (season 6 episode 2)

Are we just creating dramas for ourselves? Sometimes in relationships, it feels like we’re always up against a new issue again and again. Right after a new problem, you’re constantly hit with something else. However, could we just be making it hard on ourselves? I think yes and no.

On the one hand, we genuinely can keep having issues with our partner. But on the other hand, I think we might secretly crave the drama. As much as I want a picture-perfect relationship, I need some healthy conflict or else I get bored. If you and your boyfriend constantly agree on everything, there’s no passion, and no passion is a sad life.

Relationships need to be navigated and life needs to be deciphered. That’s what Sex and the City is for.

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Elizabeth Wherry is an on-staff writer at the Her Campus at the Florida State chapter. She focuses on campus life, culture, and lifestyle articles. She gets most excited about pieces on beauty and pop culture but loves creative stories as well. Prior to Her Campus, Elizabeth has gained corporate writing experience with paid internships specializing in defensive/offensive PR, digital media campaigns, and brand marketing. She is now a freshman at Florida State University working towards her goal of a master’s degree in communications. She hopes to gear her studies towards both political communication and business studies. Her dream is to do advocacy work and make a real difference. During her free time, Elizabeth enjoys sewing, cycling, and cooking her grandmother's Italian recipes. She is also always traveling, at only 18 she has already been to 38 countries. In addition, Elizabeth is a big music nerd and frequently attends all types of concerts; there are not many genres she does like. But most importantly, she loves spending quality time with her friends. Her favorite memories include beach days, hostel stays, and prank calls. Elizabeth hopes to bring her positive and witty humor to Her Campus.