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How to Read Without The Pressures Of BookTok

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

This past December, I felt so accomplished when I turned the last page of my 15th book of the year. I’d completed my reading goal for 2023! In the following weeks, I saw so many “BookTok 2023” book reviews with people reading dozens of books. I even saw someone had read over 100 books, and I felt my measly 15 books were pathetic in comparison. 

For those who don’t know, “BookTok” is the name given to the side of TikTok that is passionate about books. Personally, I find it very overwhelming. Every day, I see people reviewing excessive amounts of books worth hundreds of dollars that they’ve completed in short periods of time. While I like finding recommendations on TikTok, in my experience there are better ways to go about reading without BookTok videos in the back of your mind. 

Second-Hand Books

If you’re someone like me who enjoys collecting books but doesn’t want to break the bank at Barnes & Noble, used bookstores and thrift shops are the place for you. I’ve had some amazing finds such as Daisy Jones & The SixTwilight, and The Love Hypothesis all for just a dollar or two. Even public street markets or college campus pop-ups could have boxes of books. 

Also, in recent years I have enjoyed reading books passed down from my family. At first, I was a little hesitant because I didn’t think I would have similar reading interests as them, but I was pleasantly surprised. I read one of my favorite books, The Shining, just because it was lying around my house collecting dust. This is a great way to read classics and explore new genres that you wouldn’t typically choose, all for free! 

the Goodreads app

This app is my best friend. It serves so many purposes, especially if you like to track your reading progress. Not only does the app have every book, but also every edition of each book. This means you can track the number of pages you have read accurately. There’s something so satisfying about finishing a reading session and entering the page I stopped at to see what percentage of the book I’ve completed. Goodreads also allows users to create their own reading challenge, which has motivated me to consistently read for the past two years. 

You even get a fun “My Year in Books” list with your reading trends and statistics if you complete the challenge. If you sign in on a web browser, there are daily giveaways for dozens of free books. It’s a way for authors to promote their books, and I’ve won two books from these giveaways! It’s become a part of my morning routine to sign up for giveaways for the books I find interesting. You can also follow your friends and see what they’re reading! 

Finding Books That Genuinely Interest You

I know so many people who will pick up a Colleen Hoover book while knowing virtually nothing about the plot, solely because she’s popular on the internet. Yes, I’ll read a book if it’s popular, but only if I’m intrigued by the plot. This is where Goodreads comes in handy once again, as they have so many categories of differing genres of books. One thing I love to do is read book-to-movie adaptations. For me, it helps to know that if I liked the movie, I’d probably enjoy the book as well. 

Overall, I think it’s important to understand that most BookTok content is unrealistic. It’s good to find a balance and determine what works for you so that you can enjoy reading, stress-free. 

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Lorelei is a staff writer for Her Campus FSU and a second-year Biology major. In her free time, she enjoys thrifting, reading, obsessing over Taylor Swift, traveling, and rewatching Glee for the hundredth time.