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Kelsey Lewis Talks Working in the University Relations Office, Studying Abroad and More

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Name: Kelsey Marie Lewis

Hometown: Tolland, CT

Year in College: Junior

Major: International Affairs (my language is Arabic, it is indeed difficult)

Minor: General Business

Activities: President of Women’s Club Volleyball, Alpha Phi Omega Service Fraternity, Phi Sigma Theta Honors Society and working in the University Relations office

Courtesy: Kelsey Lewis

Her Campus (HC): What’s your every day to day schedule like?

Kelsey Lewis (KL): A typical day will be class in the morning, work in the afternoon, practice in the evening and fitting in fraternity events when time allows. It isn’t unusual for me to leave the house at 7:30 a.m. and come home at 10:30 p.m.

HC: What responsibilities do you have as president of women’s club volleyball?

KL: As president, it is my job to make sure the organization functions properly and at a high rate of success. We strive to be one of the most competitive teams in the nation and represent the Seminole family with pride!

HC: What advice do you give to your volleyball players before each game?

KL: I always tell them to ‘scalp ‘em’ and it seems to work pretty well.

HC: So since you work at the University Relations House, are there any fun secrets you can tell us working there?

KL: I don’t know any fun secrets, but I do get to see some pretty fun people like President Thrasher and Coach Fisher!

HC: How can students land the perfect on campus job like you? Or what’s your favorite part of your job?

KL: My favorite part of my job is getting to be part of a whole different side of Florida State. I get to step out of my student role and take on a staff role for a few hours a day. The people I work with are amazing, and I love seeing the advancement of the University from this unique perspective.

HC: Why do you think people should study abroad in Israel?

KL: People should study abroad in Israel because of the uniqueness of the opportunity. It is a culture so different from ours and at the heart of so much. Israel is outside the comfort zone (for some) which lets you learn so much more about the world and yourself. We did a lot of learning outside the classroom; we learned by listening to people and stories or seeing where history took place. It was my favorite part about it! So even if it takes two years to convince your parents (like it took me), it will all be worth it and you will have the time of your life!

HC: Tell us something you learned from the Middle East.

KL: It is a lot different than what the media portrays. When most people think of the Middle East what most often comes to mind is violence and unrest. This is the case in some parts, but there are also these amazing nations and people and culture. In Israel, you are at the crossroads of religion and history, at the grassroots of civilization and there is a certain mysticism that comes with that. I fell in love with the culture and the people and have never felt safer. I can’t wait to go back someday!

HC: Name one food that you cannot live without now that you went to Israel.

KL: I now crave falafel at least once a week. I miss the authenticity (and price) of it in Israel for sure, but I am finding some pretty good Tallahassee versions!

HC: How has your service fraternity made an impact to Tallahassee?

KL: Alpha Phi Omega does so much for the campus and community! From adopt-a-highway to campus cleanup to dog walking to volunteering at the homeless shelter to tutoring (the list goes on and on), the fraternity is always working on helping others and bettering our community.

HC: You seem rather busy, any tips for time management?

KL: Get a planner (Erin Condren is recommended, but not necessary) and pencil everything and everyone in! That’s the only way I can survive! Also, tell yourself Netflix CAN wait until the weekend.

HC: If you could be anything in the world other than a Seminole what would you be?

KL: I would definitely be a dog on FSU’s campus. They are treated like royalty and get to play frisbee on Landis all day!

HC: When you’re not so busy, what’s your favorite thing to do in Tallahassee?

KL: I am usually out with my friends or at brunch. I love brunch.

HC: What’s the funniest thing that has happened to you at FSU?

KL: There are uncountable memories, but what stands out is getting stuck in the elevator of Tully. It was after a volleyball practice last semester and I was taking the ball cart down to the equipment room. When getting on the elevator, I failed to notice a piece of the net getting caught in the door. Needless to say, the elevator broke down with alarms and all. I had to wait over an hour for an extraction team. (Also, never make hot oatmeal in a plastic cup; it will melt in your hand.)

HC: You mentioned you lived in Kellum Hall freshman year, how did you survive?

KL: I survived by making the best of friends, which made the experience memorable and something I would never change.

HC: If you could say one thing to your freshman self what would you say?

KL: Blackboard has an app (took me forever to realize), and maybe to study a little more.

HC: Since you are an out of state student, what influenced you to want to be a Seminole?

KL: I was born in Florida and have some family here, so I always liked the idea of coming back. I knew I wanted a big school with the resources and opportunities that come with it (and good football). As soon as I walked on campus, I knew this was going to be home for the next 4 years.

HC: Now, for more important matters, what are three things you cannot live without?

KL: My life proof case, my Netflix subscription and my planner!

HC: Dessert of choice?

KL: My dad’s caramel apple pie (or peach cobbler or banana pudding).

HC: Favorite place you visited in the world?

KL: I can’t pick just one! I loved the mountains in southern Germany, the water in Capri and Tel Aviv is probably my favorite city!

HC: Three fun facts about you, go!

KL: Sometimes I want to quit everything to take up stand-up comedy (I think I am hilarious). I have never broken a bone, and I have been to 43 states (including Alaska and Hawaii) and 21 countries.

HC: Name a song that defines your life right now.

KL: At this exact moment, “Can’t Feel My Face” by The Weeknd (just realized he was only one person).

HC: When you’re not so busy, most people can find you where?

KL: Either sleeping in my bed or socializing; there is no in-between.

When not on the court playing volleyball, watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S. on Netflix or working at the University Relations House, catch Kelsey Lewis enjoying life by helping the Tallahassee community or potentially planning a future trip with her friends. Time is non-existent in the life of Kelsey Lewis, the girl who can do anything she sets her mind to!

Student at Florida State University studying Communication and Creative Writing. Addicted to iced vanilla lattes, Mike Wazowski and romantic comedies.
Her Campus at Florida State University.