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How to Throw the Perfect Galentine’s Day Party

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

1. PJ’s!

Anna Schultz-Friends Laughing In Holiday Pajamas
Anna Schultz / Her Campus

Some girls would rather dress up and get all fancy, but this Galentine’s Day party is a little different, ladies. Time to get comfy! Dig through your closet and find that perfect cozy pair of matching pajamas. 

2. Invest in fun balloons.
love foil balloon
Mandy von Stahl on Unsplash

If you want your guests to be wowed right when they walk in the door, nothing does the trick like some fancy balloons. The giant letter balloons are so fun! You have the option to make it say whatever you want. The Target dollar section usually has some other fun themed ones around the holidays. 

3. Create your own charcuterie board (on a budget).

charcuterie spread
Derick McKinney on Unsplash
Raid your fridge first! Find anything that can be thrown together and take advantage of it. Then, head to the farmer’s market to find some fresh, seasonal items for much cheaper than the grocery store. Some easy favorites to throw on there are strawberries and grapes. Variety is key in a charcuterie board, and it’s easy to rack up the bill trying to execute that. Instead of buying expensive meats and cheeses on the shelves of the grocery store, head to the deli! It’s an easy way to buy many different kinds of items in smaller portions for not a lot of money. Another way to not break the bank is to ask your friends to get involved! Each friend can bring their own item to contribute to the board and then you can assemble it together. How fun?!

4. Watch some chick flicks!

get in loser mean girls
Paramount Pictures
Cuddle up on the couch with some pillows and blankets, grab your gals, and throw on a chick flick! Some of my favorites are What a Girl WantsMean Girls, Bridesmaids, 13 Going on 30, and 27 Dresses. 

5. Make your very own Burn Book.

broken heart on a string with black background
Kelly Sikkema

This one is for the ladies with broken hearts. There’s no shame in being with your best friends and blowing off a little steam from that bad breakup. Bring those old pictures of your ex, a glue stick, and a sharpie. Of course, this is all meant to be in good fun. Don’t get too carried away, ladies. 

6. Do a wine swap. 

party champagne confetti gold new years
Molly Longest / Her Campus
For all my ladies who are 21 and up, a wine swap is the perfect way to show your girlfriends some love! Draw names out of a hat, pick out your favorite wine, or a wine you think your friend would like, and swap with all of the girls at your Galentine’s Day party! Get creative with it and decorate the bottle or add a personalized wine glass. 

7. Make and decorate desserts.

chocolate covered strawberries
Serghei Savchiuc on Unsplash

Cookies, cake, chocolate-covered strawberries, oh my! The options are endless when it comes to desserts. At your Galentine’s Day party, you could bake and decorate some heart-shaped sugar cookies, dip some strawberries in chocolate and fun sprinkles, or even go all out and bake a whole cake! Either way, no one will be complaining. 

Now that you’ve got plenty of ideas, you’re ready to throw the perfect Galentine’s Day Party! Have fun, ladies! #NoBoysAllowed

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Born and raised in Florida. Currently a senior studying marketing at Florida State University. My passions include scrolling endlessly through social media, enjoying time with friends, and being near any body of water.