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How That “New Year, New Me” Is Doing So Far

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

It’s now that time of year where the first month of 2017 is coming to a close and the second month is a new door opening. With how poorly 2016 treated almost everybody and their mother, except the Chewbacca woman, it’s no doubt that at least some resolutions were made. Whether or not you’re a believer in resolutions, it’s hard to deny the fact that we’ve all succumbed to that New Year, New Me mentality. Here’s what most normal people endure as they go through the process of trying to recreate themselves:

1. Planning and Organization

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Whether it’s investing in Moleskin journals and jumping on that bullet journaling bandwagon, mapping out your next two semesters by the hour, or even the spontaneous road trips you have planned for the new year, planning and organization are a must for how you’re going to get your life together right now, at this very moment.

2. Overconfidence

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No matter who tells you that your goals are unachievable – your dad, your bestie or wikiHow – you will not listen. Everything has been planned out for like, less than a month, but more than a week; even the time to allot for meltdowns. You stick to the plan. There’s nothing and no one who can tell you that you’re “impractical” or “have your head in the clouds.”

3. A Bit of Discouragement…

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As January rolls on, you begin to realize that maybe you bit off more than you could chew… that maybe your friends and family were right. But wait… They weren’t! You got this! Brush it off, just keep smiling. It’s you doubting yourself and turning yourself away from that new you. 

4. Epiphany Hits

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Middle of January, maybe near the tail end of the month, you realize just how crazy you seemed before the beginning of this month. Planning everything out? Making unrealistic goals? Trying to change your whole persona in a MONTH/YEAR?! The epiphany hits you, and you definitely did NOT see that one coming. 

5. Acceptance

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At this ending stage, you just come to terms with a lot of things: who you are, the track you’re on, these insane plans that you thought you could follow through with. Now that a new month’s upon us, why don’t we all make the year a little less about a “new me” and a little more about taking care of the old me. Because, if we don’t say so ourselves, we’re pretty great as we are. 

Just your average coffee addicted collegiate student trying to find their place in the world who likes books, talking (a bunch), and people. 
Her Campus at Florida State University.