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Here’s How to Empower Women Everyday

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Although we’ve come a long way towards true gender equality, at times it can feel like progress has come to a complete halt. This sensation of a lack of progress is something that women feel daily, with the persistence of a large gender pay gap, lack of female representation in leadership positions, and the constant, fearful glimpse over our shoulders when walking alone on campus at night. Clearly, there’s still a long way to go. The good news is, there are many ways to spur positive change in regard to our female condition that we can practice in our everyday lives. By simply empowering the women around you, you are already making such a difference and transforming the female narrative that previous generations have internalized. Here are some simple ways you can actually empower women around you- and therefore ourselves, on a daily basis.

It’s not a competition

Turning everything into a competition, whether it be on account of looks, male attention, social media, parenting, academic success or whatever it may be is unhealthy and exhausting. Unfortunately, this is something many women in the past have fallen victim to, by comparing themselves to other women and trying to one-up everyone as a result of internalized insecurities. Be happy for other women’s accomplishments, celebrate them with her, and don’t compare her situation to yours or try to one-up it. Remember, empowered women empower women.

Help women take time for themselves

Women have been socialized since the beginning of time to prioritize other people’s needs over their own. We need to validate and encourage women to have their alone time. We sometimes need a reinforcer to remind us it’s okay and that we’re not being “selfish” for taking time for ourselves. Be that reinforcer for the women in your life, by just basically helping her to take a pause from her life and stressful demands. Aid her in whatever way you can during this time whether it’s covering some chores for a busy friend, scheduling a nail appointment for her, or even just letting her know it’s okay to have a mental health day to just lay in bed and watch Gossip Girl reruns.

Molly Peach-Friends
Molly Peach / Her Campus

Offer support to all women, even the “strong ones”

We all know that one friend who seems to have it all together. From thriving in her personal and professional life, everyone assumes that she is always doing fine and that nothing difficult can be going on despite what it may seem on the outside. Don’t make assumptions about which one of your friends needs the most help or support. Offer all of your female friends support no matter what and check in often to see how they are caring for their mental and emotional health.

Compliment her mind & personality – not just her looks

Although we all like to be told we’re pretty or that our outfit is snatched, we also love to hear that we are kind, inspirational, smart, strong, etc. Women already get a lot of commentary on their physical appearance, so try to compliment a woman on something other than her looks once daily. It also reminds women that we have so much more to offer than just our looks.

Ditch the gossip

This is a hard one, as women are notorious for gossiping about each other. It takes true strength of character to step back from a situation and remind yourself that by bringing down or talking poorly about other women, you are not doing yourself any favors and only promoting this societal tendency of female competition and resentment towards each other, when we should all be supporting each other regardless of personal issues.

Anna Schultz-Friends On Hike Close Up
Anna Schultz / Her Campus

Pass the mic

Research shows that men do 75 percent of talking at business meetings. Encourage women to speak up, especially in group settings or meetings. Remind her that her thoughts and opinions are valid and would be beneficial to the group. Sometimes, empowering yourself means allowing someone else into the spotlight.

Go out of your way to make women feel good

We as women are under some pretty heavy pressure to adhere to impossible beauty, behavior and lifestyle standards perpetuated by the media. Whenever possible, try to remind them that they’re doing a pretty great job.

Stop pitting women against each other on social media

Whenever I log onto Twitter or Instagram, more often than not I end up scrolling past some post pitting two women against each other, especially women who have a strong social media or celebrity presence. Whether it’s comparing them or speaking negatively about a certain female artist, women are always criticized way more harshly than men online. By not engaging with these posts and/or accounts or even commenting about how lame the post is, you are lowering their power and influence on social media and being a role model for other young girls who scroll past the same post.

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Em is a junior from Miami double majoring in psychology and English: editing, writing, & media. Writing, fashion, and astrology are some of her interests and she hopes to pursue a degree in fashion ujournalism.