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Her Campus Florida State Welcome

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.


Welcome back Her Campus Florida State viewers and Happy Labor Day! As the new campus correspondent for FSU’s Her Campus branch, I am very excited to be starting the school year. Her Campus allows students from universities all over the United States to get involved in a weekly updated online magazine. As someone who would love to work for a magazine after I finish school, Her Campus has given me the opportunity to work on many aspects of the magazine industry. Members help with both writing and editing articles, promotions, public relations and finance. As the former lead writer for Her Campus FSU, I fell in love with the website instantly and have made some very good friends in my time working with Her Campus. The Florida State branch is looking forward to growing in both membership and popularity this semester. Our first meeting will be held on September 11th at 2:45pm. We will hold our meeting at the Student Life Center; upstairs by the café. I look forward to leading FSU’s Her Campus team this year and I along with my fellow officers have some great things planned for this coming year. I hope to see many new faces at our first meeting this coming weekend as well as our dedicated contributors from the years past. Come back to our site tomorrow for the new Her Campus Florida State articles. 

Jena LaMendola is a senior at Florida State University. She is studying editing, writing and media with a minor in communications. With a love for the new social medias around her and an interest in using them as well as the fundamentals of rhetoric she hopes to continue her studies in graduate school for public relations. Jena is originally from Manhattan, New York but grew up in south Florida. She has worked various internships and is on the writing, editing and public relations staff for Florida State's Clutch fashion magazine. Jena LaMendola was the former lead writer for her school's Her Campus branch and is excited to work with her fellow Campus Coorespondent to build and promote the FSU branch to the fullest. Jena loves fashion and the business behind it. She has previously worked as a PR intern for a company whose clients included a New York wedding dress designer as well as an intern for Mercedes- Benz Fashion Week. Jena hopes to bring her talents in writing and editing to her school's Her Campus branch and is excited for the school year.