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Halsey Kinne: Brazil’s Future Nole

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Halsey for a while now from being co-workers with her. She has such a bubbly, outgoing personality and is so involved on campus that it only seemed right for her to be this week’s Campus Celebrity! Get to know her as she tells me all about her immense involvement on campus and her love for all things Brazil.

HC (Her Campus): So, not only are you a sister of Alpha Omicron Pi, the newest sorority on campus, but you’ve also been elected as the New Member Educator! What do you hope to accomplish being a member of a new chapter on campus and having an executive position? 

Halsey Kinne (HK): I am! It was such an honor to receive my bid from headquarters, and it was even more exciting when my sisters found me qualified for such an important position on the Leadership Council. Being a member of a new chapter means having the room to create a legacy, and I hope to create a solid foundation that will influence the lives of many women to come. It is not always easy since it requires forging a new path, but the challenge is what makes the success worth it. Right now, I hope to bring our sisterhood closer together. As New Member Educator, I hope to help the new members find their home within our organization and keep them excited about the upcoming years.

HC: What made you decide to want to join AOII?

HK: I had always been interested in Greek life, even in high school. However, timing never seemed to be in my favor, so I never had the opportunity to participate in formal rush. Despite being very involved on campus, I felt like something would always be missing from my college experience by not partaking in this. It was about this time that I heard from many people that AOII was coming onto campus, and I began doing research on what the fraternity stood for (the word sorority had not become popular at the time of AOII’s founding). I realized that my ideals followed very closely with them, and with that, the waiting process for this Fall semester to start began. After informational sessions, a jam packed colonization weekend, and many nerves on end, I received a phone call offering me a bid, and I practically screamed with excitement into my cell phone.

HC: You’re also a Lady Spirithunter! What’s your favorite part about being in this organization?

HK: I have been a Lady Spirithunter for over two years, and it has been one of my favorite things here at FSU. Lady Spirithunters is a school spirit based organization that focuses on spreading Seminole spirit to students and fans alike. You can always find us painting war stripes before all Varsity sporting events in our stylish vests! I have always been a school spirited person –over eight years of cheerleading will do that to you. LSH allows me to express my school spirit with a group of girls who feel the same way. We do more than just paint; we participate in all major campus philanthropies, we have meetings and socials, and we have special events. My favorite thing that we do is Away Trip. Every year, the executive board picks an away game and plans a fun filled weekend for the top fifty point holders. This year, I was top point holder and went to Death Valley to watch the Noles bring home a victory at Clemson. It was great!

HC: I always remember you talking about traveling to Brazil. What is it that drew you into the Brazilian culture? Do you see yourself living there in the future?

HK: I love Brazil! However, most people are shocked to find out that five years ago, I probably could not have told you a single thing about the country, the culture, or the language they spoke. I was a Rotary Youth Exchange student from 2010-2011 following my senior year of high school, and through this, I lived in Brazil with a host family for just over 11 months. Every day was a challenge since I did not speak a word of Portuguese, but my determination kept me on track to becoming fluent while abroad and becoming very familiar with important culture aspects like the food, history, and the dances. When I arrived at FSU, I quickly declared International Affairs as my major with my emphasis in Portuguese so that I could pursue a future with Brazil. Brazilians are so warm, and they always make you feel welcome. They helped me to find a home away from home during the hard days of exchange, and they always welcome me back with open arms when I return. For this, I could see myself living there in the future for sure!

HC: What are your future career and personal goals?

HK: No matter what I do, I hope to incorporate Brazil and my international experiences into my line of work. There is a great chance I will attend law school, focusing on either immigration or international law. My secret dream job is to be a translator and cultural ambassador for a company, becoming the missing link that understands both the U.S.’s and Brazil’s customs. My goals right now are just to be successful in what I take on. This year I have been fortunate enough to receive so many new opportunities, and as AOII holds true, I hope to “exceed the expectation” and encourage other around me to do the same.I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Halsey for a while now from being co-workers with her. She has such a bubbly, outgoing personality and is so involved on campus that it only seemed right for her to be this week’s Campus Celebrity! Get to know her as she tells me all about her immense involvement on campus and her love for all things Brazil.


Haleigh is a 22 year old college student who is slowly but surely getting closer and closer to graduating from the beautiful Florida State University (in May, to be exact). With a love for puppies that's almost too much to handle at times and a slight obsession with sushi, Haleigh is passionate about all things cute and fun, with a hint of sass. Go Noles!
Maria Losada is a senior at Florida State University pursuing a double major in International Affairs and Editing, Writing and Media. She is driven by her passion for writing and seeks to inspire others through it.  She loves learning about different cultures, languages, and especially enjoys tasting international cuisines!  On her down time you can catch her dancing salsa, reading articles from Her Campus FSU, or daydreaming about her next travel destination. She hopes to live in Washington D.C.  and work for an international development agency."Little by little, one travels far."