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#FSUTwitterAccounts: Helping You Get Through the Day, One Tweet At a Time

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

             From the parking struggles, to people watching around campus, to the weekend highlights, anonymous FSU Twitter accounts are there to give you the real-time details. As a regular college student in today’s world, juggling school, a job, a social life, and a pitiful sleep schedule, it’s comforting to know that others can relate. Accounts like @FSUPRBLMS and @FSUFashnPolice serve as the unofficial yet relevant news for what’s happening around the Tallahassee area and on the Florida State University campus.

            After being able to have a little back-and-forth with the two accounts, FSU Problems and FSU Fashion Police, it was interesting to learn that they’re just regular FSU students like you or me. At the start of each interview, I asked each of them how they began and what it was exactly that inspired them to be the voices they are today. FSU Problems, a junior at Florida State, originally began the account as a freshman, turning the problems into tweets as a joke with friends.


“My friends and I noticed a bunch of other random ‘problems’ twitters and so in our group texts we’d jokingly hashtag #fsuproblems.”


            He shared that, at the start, common struggles such as leaving his apartment at 10 a.m. for an 11 a.m. class and barely making it on time, the observation that everyone has that one taxi driver they know too much about, and almost being decapitated by frisbees on Landis Green were what drove him to make the account. He also shared how “alumni follow the account and tweet about how nothing has changed,” showing that the FSU problems are just part of the process.

            When interviewing FSU Fashion Police, it was exciting to find out that she was actually an FSU athlete and a fresh alumni having just graduated last year. She talked about her beginnings and about how she used her own rough mornings, which we all seem to have every now and then, to inspire her account; as well as the observations she’d make on the eccentric fashion choices sported by some FSU students. When discussing some of the perks or interesting stories about the account, she shared that one of her favorite aspects of it all is the ability to freely share her thoughts and opinions.


“I keep my personal account pretty mild, so I appreciate the freedom of being able to write whatever I want.”


            After speaking with the two, I found that, although we may never know who they are, they’re students and Seminoles like the rest of us, sharing their own thoughts and experiences and having fun while doing it. So whether you’re sitting in class, camped out in Strozier or Dirac, or walking back to the parking spot it took you half an hour to find, know that these FSU Twitter accounts are there to share in your struggle and, hopefully, make your day a little better.


Follow them on Twitter:



 Alexandra Lauren is a senior at Florida State, born and raised in Miami, Florida, and has a passion for books, traveling, coffee, and 90’s R&B. 
Maria Losada is a senior at Florida State University pursuing a double major in International Affairs and Editing, Writing and Media. She is driven by her passion for writing and seeks to inspire others through it.  She loves learning about different cultures, languages, and especially enjoys tasting international cuisines!  On her down time you can catch her dancing salsa, reading articles from Her Campus FSU, or daydreaming about her next travel destination. She hopes to live in Washington D.C.  and work for an international development agency."Little by little, one travels far."