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FSU’s Battle of the Bands: Bonnamu 2015

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

When: April 8, 2015 at 7pm

Where: The Moon

Why: For The Kids!

Every sorority and fraternity at FSU fundraises for a variety of organizations and causes. Some funds go towards causes right here in Tallahassee, other funds go to organizations that function on a national level. Phi Mu, the Alpha Epsilon Chapter here at FSU, is motivated to provide care for more sick children year after year. Children’s Miracle Network is an organization that uses all of their donations to buy medical equipment, medicine and support research to help end cancer as well as other diseases that plague children and adults alike.

Phi Mu Fraternity adopted Children’s Miracle Network as their national philanthropy in 1983; the same year Children’s Miracle Network was founded. Today, CMN has around one hundred and fifty hospitals across the nation. About one child per second enters a CMN Hospital looking for help with the hope to live another day. Some children have cancer, others have had a traumatic accident, or they were born too early. Regardless of what each child is going through, CMN hospitals take care of the children and their families no matter what. Continuous donations and fundraising efforts help CMN provide for every child that walks through their door. Each patient is important and they still have a long life to live.

Various states participate in fundraisers to help CMN provide for these sick children and suffering families, but here in Florida they have a tremendous amount of support. Dance Marathon occurs both at Florida State and at The University of Florida. This year alone, DM – with FSU and UF combined – raised over three million dollars to help little kids live another day. Here at FSU, half of the money raised during DM goes towards supporting Florida State’s Pediatric Outreach program as well as our local Children’s Miracle Network hospital located in Gainesville.

Here our Phi Mu chapter hosts fundraising events throughout the year to help make the lives of sick children a little better. Phi Mu’s spring philanthropy is called Bonnamu. Inspired by the music festival Bonnaroo, Bonnamu is a Battle of the Bands event. Each fraternity on campus has the opportunity to enter one band into the competition. This year there are 20 bands participating in the event! Also, there are three guest Sorority bands that will be performing throughout the night. This is a new addition to Bonnamu this year, with the hopes of giving everyone an opportunity to help raise money for the kids even though DM is over. There are three judges who take notes during every performance and they decide the winner at the end of the night.

There are a variety of sponsors that attend and support the event, and one is Dunkin Donuts. There are rumors that they will be distributing donut holes to the people who get there early! If that isn’t an incentive to form a line at the door, I don’t know what is. You can buy tickets from any Phi Mu sister or buy one at the door. Tickets are only $5, and all of the proceeds go directly to CMN in Gainesville. This event is a great opportunity to give back to those who need it most. Plus, who doesn’t enjoy live music, especially from students who are probably in one of your classes?

Come out on April 8th to support CMN and Phi Mu and have a great time! This event is open to anyone who enjoys music and loves kids. Doors open at 7pm and Phi Mu hopes to see you there! If you can’t make it to the event, Phi Mu has a fundraising link open and all donations are important, whether it’s five cents or five dollars. Every little bit can make a difference!

Hello all! My name is Kasey and I am currently an English and Media Communications double major here at Florida State. I have been with Her Campus for over a year now and write for the sports column called "Two Girls and Some Sports." I love ESPN and everything outdoors. Traveling is also a very important aspect of my life! I am infamous for binge watching Netflix, making cookies and playing volleyball any chance I get.
Her Campus at Florida State University.