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Fernanda Pimenta: FSU’s Very Own Accounting Maven

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

The last two semesters of college are tough for almost any soon-to-be graduate. Shortly, seniors will be thrown into the real world of grown up jobs and responsibilities, and most will do almost anything to avoid their fate. In the face of the real world, accounting major Fernanda Pimenta is not only rocking her senior year, but she’s also managing to gain real world experience before she even walks across the stage in December. Luckily, I was able to get a hold of Fernanda and acquire a few of her secrets before she leaves the hallowed halls of Florida State University.

Her Campus (HC): What aspects of the accounting/finance major made you decide to pursue a degree in that field?

Fernanda Pimenta (FP): I loved accounting since day one. It’s like a puzzle to me and I love it!

HC: This semester you’re working with a company that has you volunteering to do taxes for people within the community. How did you find this opportunity and what made you decide to go for it?

FP: I am in Beta Alpha Psi, an accounting and finance fraternity, and our board sent out information about it. I thought it would be a great experience and it would look amazing on my resume.

HC: What has been the most insightful thing you’ve have learned from volunteering?

FP: Doing your own taxes really isn’t as hard as people make it out to be!

HC: Do you have any advice for Her Campus readers about finding volunteer/job opportunities that relate to their major?

FP: Definitely look into joining organizations within your major. I wish I would’ve joined BAP my freshman year. You really learn a lot and you get to meet other students with similar goals. I can’t emphasis enough the importance of networking.

HC: Can you explain the other clubs you’re involved in and what made you decide to become so involved on campus?

FP: I am also a member of Women in Accounting and ALPFA (Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting). The more you are involved, the more people you meet. Connections are what will really drive you to where you want to be. I want to get a job with a good accounting firm and that doesn’t just happen with a good GPA. Businesses these days want diversity and uniqueness — you can’t show that on a resume. So meeting people and getting to know the people in your desired field is definitely a huge advantage.

HC: You are balancing a job, a stressful major, and numerous clubs, yet you have also found time for romance. Can you share your relationship secret with success to the Her Campus audience?

FP: The BEST relationship advice I can give would be to never stop showing that person how much you love them! My boyfriend and I have been together for three years now and we always do things for each other to show our appreciation for one another — it keeps our relationship exciting. I cut his sandwiches in heart shapes, he writes “I love you” on the rear view mirror of my car, I buy him a small gift that reminds me of him literally every time I’m out shopping, the list goes on forever. Being in a relationship shouldn’t be another stress in your life! And showing your boyfriend/girlfriend you love them doesn’t mean going out and buying diamonds, it just means always keeping them in mind and actually wanting to show them how much they mean to you. Life is too short not too.

Malory is an overachieving free spirit with a severe pasta addiction who is trying to change the world. Interest include human rights, coffee, and bad TV.Location: Underwater 
Her Campus at Florida State University.