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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

No, not romantically…

By this time, we should all be pretty settled into the place where we are living and cozying up to the people we are living with. If not anything else, at least you can say “she really isn’t that bad.” As long as you don’t absolutely hate each other and can tolerate sharing a space, you should spend some time with your roommate. Whether at home or out and about, try setting up a little “Roommate Date.” If you aren’t super close, keep the activity to something neutral. The more you learn about each other, the easier it will be to live with each other.

Here are some roommate-bonding ideas:

  • Mani-Pedi

Who doesn’t love to have a spa day? Getting pampered is something we all enjoy, and quite frankly, something we all need (NO ONE wants a roommate with smelly feet!).  Want to feel super connected? Try matching mani-pedis.  Pick out your color, sit back, and let the vibrating chair make your body shimmy!

  • Watch a Movie

Whether you stay home to watch a movie you’ve both seen a dozen times or you decide to go to the movie theater and treat yourself to the latest new film, movie nights are a must. True, there isn’t much time for chit-chat and gossip between popcorn bites and Icee sips, but laughter and tears always bring people together! Besides, there’s always room for little comments between scenes (unless you are like Elana and me and you give commentary after every line).

  •  Shopping

Two words: retail therapy. Making purchases shouldn’t be thought of as a blow to your bank account. Instead, think of it as adding to your collection. When you go shopping without looking for anything specific, that’s when you come across the good stuff. Look out for the clearance rack or sale items to feel good about your purchases. Grab your roommate and head to mall for a fun day of browsing, buying and people-watching!

  •  Iron Chef: Roommate Edition

Choose a day of the week to cook a meal together. Make plans to go to the grocery store, buy the ingredients you need, and then come home to cook! There ya go, a yummy home-made meal! Even if it doesn’t turn out as well as you hoped it would (like the picture on the recipe website), just take it as learning experience. No need to establish a “head chef.” Just enjoy the experience of working together as a team. After all, nothing brings people together as well as food!

  • Get Crafty

Some people have that creativity gene and the rest of us…well, we pretend. Regardless of whether or not you are good with your hands, delving into an arts and crafts project has the potential to be fun—messy, but fun!  You could each decorate your bedroom door, make a lamp shade, or even learn how to knit or crochet. Make something you’re proud of, and most importantly, do it together.

  • Go to Campus

No, I don’t mean go to class; though some departments do participate in “take your friends to class day.” There is always something happening on campus. Join a club that sparks a mutual interest, or you can go cheer on fellow students at a sporting event. Show your support at a performance produced by the School of Theater or the School of Music. FSU is poppin’ just about every night! You and your roommate(s) should take advantage of everything offered.

Don’t just think of your roommate as someone with whom you are legally bound to live with.  Set aside time for you to spend together. You never know; you just might make a new best friend (I know I did)!

Kaitlyn Hatten is curently a junior at Florida State University majoring in Family and Child Sciences/ Child Development. She recently started taking yoga classes but still enjoys teaching herself music video choreography in her bedroom. She idolizes pop artist Demi Lovato and strives to be her (or her best friend) one day. Some may consider her a "crazy cat lady" but it's really all animals that bring joy to her life. If she was filmed on a daily basis and had her life turned into a television show, it would have a little bit of comedy, romance, action... actually, no action, just comedy. Overall, she's just a goof-ball with a big heart!
Elana Pollack, of Vero Beach, FL,  is currently a junior at Florida State University studying English; Editing, Writing, and Media.  While she loves this field, her dream job is to manage a performing arts center.  Elana has a younger brother and sister whom she adores.  Since graduating high school, she has spent every summer working at a camp in North Carolina.  She has seen every Gilmore Girls episode at least three time and still watches every re-run.
Maria Losada is a senior at Florida State University pursuing a double major in International Affairs and Editing, Writing and Media. She is driven by her passion for writing and seeks to inspire others through it.  She loves learning about different cultures, languages, and especially enjoys tasting international cuisines!  On her down time you can catch her dancing salsa, reading articles from Her Campus FSU, or daydreaming about her next travel destination. She hopes to live in Washington D.C.  and work for an international development agency."Little by little, one travels far."