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An Exclusive Interview with Jordan Bilbrew

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Name: Jordan Bilbrew

Year: Junior

Majors: Psychology and Criminology

Hometown: Jacksonville, FL

Relationship Status: Single like a Pringle

Interests: Singing, dancing in the shower, traveling, yelling at people across Landis Green, watching videos of cats talking, and starting conversations

Ever met Jordan Bilbrew? Of course you have! He’s a delight to be around and involved in pretty much everything. Just when we were waiting to start the interview he ran into five different people in Starbucks alone. If for some reason you haven’t been lucky enough to be graced by his presence, you’re in luck! Jordan still has another year left at FSU.  Check out his interview to find out more about the guy with the great hair!

Her Campus (HC): So Jordan, we know you’re well known around this campus. Tell us why. What are some things your involved with?

Jordan Bilbrew (JB): Well I am a second year Resident Assistant. This year I’m an RA in Landis and last year I was in Reynolds. I absolutely love my job and the people I’ve met through it. Specifically, my current BLG [Broward-Landis-Gilchrist] staff. Shout out to my doghouse! I also really love service. I spend a lot of my time volunteering with Peace Jam at The Center where I help empower the youth to create positive, sustainable change. I also was a FIG leader teaching for a Freshmen Interest Group, specifically for psychology. Also, I’m a prominent member of FSU’s oldest a cappella group, All-Night Yahtzee. We do a lot of gigs around campus and have built a very strong reputation that I think a lot of FSU students have responded positively to. A lot of people come to our shows and I’ve been lucky enough to have a few solos so it’s really been a blast.

HC: Speaking of a cappella, have you seen Pitch Perfect?

JB: Yes I have! I think it’s hilarious! There are actually quite a few of our members, current and former, that were in the movie, which was pretty exciting for all of us.

HC: Which character would you say you relate to the most?

JB: Fat Amy for sure because I keep it real all the time. I’m always the one in the group to speak my mind and I never really fake anything.

HC: So did Pitch Perfect do a good job depicting what it’s really like being in an a cappella group?

JB: People ask me that all the time. I always compare it to Mean Girls. You know how it’s an exaggeration of the actual “cattiness” of girls in high school? Well, Pitch Perfect is an honest exaggeration of our community. We definitely have our heart-to-hearts and there’s always the intercampus a cappella group battle. Except riff-offs aren’t actually real.

HC: So besides being a celebrity on campus, I heard you and the rest of All Night Yahtzee could be real celebrities soon. Want to talk more about that?

JB: We are going to be featured in a brand new series called “Sing It On” which will be airing on POP, formerly known as TV Guide. It will be following our competition season at the ICCA [International Championship of Collegiate A cappella]. Which is actually the same competition from Pitch Perfect. This will be an amazing opportunity to shed light on our art form and to bring some positive publicity to FSU. It will feature about four elite groups from across the country showing our journey through the ICCA, and hopefully to NYC. It will focus a lot on the triumphs and tribulations within our group and other groups.

HC: That sounds awesome! Are you a little worried that the show could cause some drama within the group?

JB: This is actually something we have talked a lot about. We honestly know that this show could definitely cause drama and we are a little nervous. However, we’re confident in each other to stay true to ourselves and not engage in any unnecessary disputes, especially on camera. I’m not saying we’re not going to be our sassy selves, but we’ll definitely remain weird a cappella nerds.

HC: So besides all your extracurriculars, tell us, who is Jordan Bilbrew? What makes you tick?

JB: If you really knew me you’d know that I am on the pre-med track, which requires a lot of time and dedication to my school, which is very rewarding. I love to laugh at anything and everything. I’m super extraverted but I do enjoy just hanging out by myself, putting on my headphone and getting my Adele on. I’m an avid people watcher. Sometimes I make an event out of it and decide to sit in Suwannee just to people watch. I’m not really good at running but I really enjoy it. It helps clear my mind. That is until I realize I can’t breathe because I suck at running. I really love my friends. Actually I don’t think “friend” is the right word. Family is better suited for what these people are to me. I’m really just so happy that I was able to come to FSU to have all these experiences to help me develop into the person that I want to be.

HC: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

JB: That could honestly go a lot of different ways. I could be working in a jail as a forensic psychiatrist; I could be singing on a stage and making music somewhere; or I could be a world traveler on my own show on the Travel Channel. Who knows where the wind will take me and where my spirit will land.

Jordan looks off into distance. You can hear the faint sound of birds chirping in the background…this is all very dramatic in typical Jordan fashion.

Be sure to check out All Night Yahtzee’s Facebook page, Twitter page (@ANYahtzee), and Instagram (@allnightyahtzee) to find out performance dates and times.

Courtnee is a senior at the beautiful Florida State Univeristy majoring in Public Relations. She is involved in various student organizations on campus, is a Resident Assistant in Landis Hall (shout out to her BLG fam and the 4th floor!), and works part time at The Zimmerman Agency doing what she loves.In her free time, you can find Courtnee reading a book, playing soccer, binge watching netflix, laying on the beach, or eating entire pints of Ben & Jerry's ice cream in one sitting (usually while binge watching Netflix).She has a slight obsession with puppies and boybands and her wonderful family.After graduation, Courtnee is moving to Munich, Germany for a year where she will be an au pair. Once back from this journey Courtnee hopes to move to New York City and find a way to become a part of the SNL team, whether it's as a public relations associate, cast member or janitor... She WILL make it to SNL.She hopes you take something out of "The Collegiette's Guide to Happy and Healthy Living," even if it's just a laugh. Thank you for reading :) "She was a girl who new how to be happy even when she was sad, and that's important." ~Marilyn Monroe
Her Campus at Florida State University.