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Cultures from Around the World Brought to Your Doorstep

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

From Lebanese to Japanese, FSU often hosts a variety of events and organizations on and off campus which allow any member of the Seminole family to immerse themselves in different cultures from around the world. But do you know who organizes these cultures from around the globe to appear at FSU? Well, the Globe of course! The Globe hosts the Center for Global Engagement (CGE), which facilitates international diversity and fosters global understanding.

Want to get a taste of what CGE has offered in the past? Look no further!

Recent Events

Belly Dancing Spring Showcase:

This event featured Cuban dance from the Azucar Dance Company, music from Lebanon by the Lebanese Singers, and belly dancing by our very own Belly Dancers! While the music was often traditional Arabic music form the Middle East, there were many songs mixed with dub step, rock, pop, and even ballet music tones, making it a very exciting event to watch! Want to check out their live performances? Click here. Want to try out to join the Belly Dancers? Contact them here for information on how to try out to join, and take classes for free!

Eleanor Beardsley (NPR): “My World from Paris”:

Eleanor has been a reporter for NPR since 2004 and came to our campus to talk about French society, politics, economics, culture, and gastronomy. Some main events she provided first-hand accounts of were the 2007 and 2012 French presidential elections, the riots in 2005, and the student demonstration in 2006. Her work often put her into dangerous situations, but we are glad that she puts herself out there in order to provide an inside look on French culture! To check her out, click here!

Global Café: A Taste of Iran

Did you know that the Globe hosts the Global Café every month? This week was Iran’s turn to present their traditional food on our campus. Hosted by the Persian Gulf Student Association, four delicacies straight from Iran made their way onto my plate: khoresh ghormeh sabzi (mixed herb stew with beef, served with rice), salad shirazi (tomato and cucumber salad), halva (sweet rose water confection), and saffron sweet tea were all demolished by yours truly in a matter of minutes. Check back here to see which foods are going to be offered next!

Want to see what is coming up in the future? Check it out below!

Upcoming Events

International Coffee Hour:

International Coffee Hour is hosted in the CGE lounge and dining room every Friday from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm. As proclaimed by the Globe, “International and U.S. students, scholars, and faculty gather for coffee and snacks at the Center for Global Engagement. It’s a great place to meet new people from various parts of the world, see old friends, and make plans for the weekend.”

Language Tables:

Hebrew: Everyone from novice to native is welcome to join at the Hillel House every Wednesday from 7:00 pm-8:30pm.

German: Beginners to those proficient in the German language are welcome to join in the Starbucks in Strozier library every Wednesday from 6:30 pm-7:30 pm.

Japanese: Anyone who wants to speak Japanese in an informal setting can meet every Friday from 4:00-5:00pm in Oglesby Union room 305A.

Chinese: Come and learn the most-used spoken language in the world in the ASLC first floor lobby every Friday from 12:00 pm-1:00 pm

Cassi is a junior at Florida State University. As an Environmental Studies major, Cassi likes outdoor activities such as biking, hiking, and going to parks. She is part of a community Service Fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega, which has brought her to some very unique and exciting experiences around Tallahassee. From washing dogs to preparing food for the elderly, Cassi loves to help the community out any way that she can. In her free time, Cassi likes to paint, read, take bubble baths, wreck her boyfriend at chess, beat the high score to Mrs. Pac Man at Voodoo Dog, play with her hamsters, or attend concerts. As always, this Seminole bleeds Garnet and Gold! 
Her Campus at Florida State University.