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Could Buying a House on Amazon Be in Your Future?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

The day has finally come when Amazon literally has everything. If you’re in need of a new pair of shoes, a tote bag, or even a place to live after college, don’t fret: Amazon now offers options for all of those.  

It may sound hard to believe, but a simple search on your phone or laptop will pull up Amazon’s selection of “prefab” or “tiny” homes. These houses vary in both size and price, ranging from 260 square feet for a reasonable $5,800 to a comfortable two-bedroom for $30,500 (which sadly isn’t eligible for Prime shipping). And they aren’t just a single square room with four walls either. Many of Amazon’s options offer more than just one bedroom and bathroom, with some even being as tall as two stories! Much like everything else on that website, you get to have your pick of what it is that you’re ordering.

While we’ve all probably fallen victim to purchasing something online that ends up completely disappointing us with its quality, these houses appear to be legitimate. Although I haven’t personally bought my Amazon house quite yet, some TikTokers and YouTubers have — and they didn’t shy away when sharing their experiences and reviews.  

After following Jeffery Bryant’s saga of buying one of these modular homes from Amazon, getting it delivered to his apartment, and having a crew come to “unfold it” on his TikTok, I’m starting to think that this could be a route that more and more people might begin to take. In Bryant’s videos, you can see the roomy spaces, brand-new and high-quality furnishings, and even the fully functional utility hookups. He got all of this and he didn’t even buy the most expensive house that Amazon has to offer!

Sure, this might be a more unconventional way of obtaining and owning your first house, but with what it costs to simply make a trip to the grocery store nowadays, I don’t think there’s anything shameful about buying one of these houses. Undeniably, there’s a market for these houses, with online shops like The Home Depot offering prefabricated home kits that can be shipped right to your door.  

Perhaps now we can shift our mindsets surrounding how we look for houses online from only using websites like Zillow or Realtor.com to choosing one that can be delivered straight to our door. These more affordable, prefabricated houses might also change the scope of who can purchase a house in our society. A version of a house that doesn’t require a mortgage and still allows you to own it outright could end up becoming pretty popular, especially with the younger generations.

With houses now able to be bought with a few clicks and the small inconvenience of entering your credit card information, who knows what the future of our living conditions will be? Homeowner by 20? Maybe. I know one thing is for sure though. The look on people’s faces when you invite them over for a housewarming party and then tell them the bathroom they just used was folded into a box not too long ago will be priceless!  

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Hello! I am Lilli Anderson, a staff writer at the Her Campus at Florida State University chapter. My articles are geared towards culture and current trends as well as the college lifestyle typically with a focus on and appreciation for music, nature, and the overlooked beauty of everyday life. Beyond Her Campus, I am a Media Communications Studies major at Florida State University where I volunteer in the sports broadcast club, Seminole Productions. This is excitingly my first time writing for a publication company as most of my experience comes from papers and projects for my communications classes or the humanities classes I take for my minor in women's studies. If it wasn't for the college classes I took in high school that allowed me to graduate in 2023 with an Associate of Arts degree as well as my high school diploma, then I would not already be on this academic path and pursuing my career goals! Although I now proudly claim Tallahassee as my home, I am from the Greater Tampa Bay Area and grew up in Ohio originally. I think having spent half of my life up north before moving to Florida has truly given me an appreciative perspective on where and how I live now. For that reason I am in love with all things having to do with nature, being outside, and just taking full advantage of the fact that I see the sun for more than only 4 months out of the year as a Florida citizen. You can probably find me passing the time by doing my homework outside, going to the beach or for a hike, grabbing a coffee (and probably a few too many pastries) with friends, devoting my whole day to getting a good spot in line at a concert, cooking and baking, or napping with my pets next to me in bed; I am a simple girl who enjoys the simple joys of life!!