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Tackling Fall Fashion in Tallahassee Without the Fall Weather

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Going to college in Florida means one thing: being deprived of seasons yet being saved from the dreaded cold. Although I’m daydreaming about walking through a snowy campus wearing a cute combination of layered pieces, the reality is I’d be bundled up on a couch in my pajamas and fuzzy socks.

Now don’t get me wrong, Tallahassee definitely has slight seasonal changes for me to desperately cling to — just not with a full grip. Though it may still feel warm, the yellow and red leaves soon to be scattered across campus remain proof of the slight temperature drop. As it gets slightly chillier and fall begins feeling less and less like a phantom, it’s time to whip out those cute fall fits — within reason of the Tallahassee definition of fall temperature, of course!

Maxi Skirts

If you’re chronically online like me, you’ve likely seen the trending maxi skirts. Maxi skirts are the perfect attire for Tallahassee’s adaptation of fall as they are airy enough to keep you cool and super comfy. With so many stylish options, such as denim and silk, maxi skirts are a perfect way to elevate a simpler fall look.

The trendy white maxi skirts look like they came straight out of a movie scene and will have you feeling like the main character! Denim skirts — specifically with high slits — are arguably the newest maxi skirt trend and have been consuming my mind and online shopping problem. InStyle predicts this trend’s growing popularity will only increase in the upcoming months — and I couldn’t agree more.

Sweater and Mini Skirt Combo

This combination is too essential to be overlooked! If you have a pile of sweaters that you only whip out occasionally on abnormally frigid days, listen up because this look is for you! Pairing an oversized seasonal sweater with a mini skirt makes that fall look achievable without putting yourself at risk of heat stroke. Aside from the obvious cooling benefits of a mini skirt, pairing a single-colored sweater with a matching patterned skirt (and vice versa) is an easy way to create a cohesive look that nobody will expect you to have frantically thrown on before leaving your apartment.

Sweater Vests

Sweater vests have always been a staple in my fall wardrobe throughout the years and they’ve yet to disappoint me. Sweater vests are the perfect way to go sleeveless while keeping the fall vibes intact. From button-up and V-neck styles to cropped and oversized fits, sweater vests can achieve many different looks. People provided a list of all the sweater vests you could ever need this fall season. The fun colors and designs that keep popping up in stores are the perfect way to add some spice to your fall closet. Sweater vests also make the perfect layering piece to go overtop a turtleneck or plain shirt — if the temperature permits.

Open-Stitch Knitted Cardigans

We all know and love the trendy cardigans that pop up during the fall time without fail, but open-stitch knitted cardigans alongside Tallahassee’s fall weather are a match made in heaven. Aside from the growing popularity of this particular style of cardigan, the open stitching gives it much more airflow, making it breathable even in warmer weather. This cardigan is so versatile and can be paired with almost any seasonal outfit. My personal favorite look to pair with an open-stitch cardigan is baggy jeans and a tank top. This creates a simple yet interesting look that’s perfect for adding a touch of fall into your day.

Even if it doesn’t feel like fall outside, you can always make it feel like it on the inside by rocking that fall fashion. These fashion pieces and combinations will help you conquer the heat while still dressing for the season!

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Carly Nelson is an advertising major scheduled to graduate in 2026 from Florida State University. She loves music, going for coffee runs, concerts, and art.