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I Became a Loyal Member of Broski Nation: Why Brittany Broski Just Gets It

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Throughout my time on the Internet, I’ve encountered countless personalities who’ve made me laugh, cry, and audibly gasp. Yet no one has been as relatable and authentic as Brittany Broski. From her podcast The Broski Report to her TikTok videos where she comments on the most random topics, Broski’s content is easily one of the most humorous gems I’ve stumbled upon in a while. As a new member of Broski Nation, I feel that it is my duty as a loyal citizen to spread the word about our famous leader and tell you, her future subjects, why she is the most comedically entertaining influencer in the game right now. 

Simply put: she is one of the girls. Broski genuinely embraces fangirl culture by obsessing over her favorite pieces of media and male celebrities she encounters. From her Austin Butler phase to her current Pedro Pascal era, Broski shares her interests in a way that is comedic yet comforting as she verbalizes what all fangirls are thinking, but never dare to say out loud. For example, in one of her most recent episodes of The Broski Report titled “I am SICK of the BeyoncĂ© disrespect,” Broski gushes over her deep admiration for Beyoncé’s artistry. As she analyzes her lyrics and discusses her diverse career, Broski emphasizes the significance BeyoncĂ© has had on her life and deflects the slander she has seen regarding her influence as an artist.

What I find most admirable is Broski’s ability to genuinely love a piece of media and clearly vocalize what it means to her. Within the same episode, Broski concludes her rant by defining what a true artist is to her: “It’s not about you. It’s about what you’re making possible for other people.” Broski understands the importance and value of art by deepening the conversations surrounding it, and as someone who fangirls to an extreme level, I continuously respect her for appreciating the art that we consume. 

Along with being the No. 1 fan girl, Broski has a knack for creativity. With her fan base being known as the “Broski Nation,” she has created a figurative land with laws and decrees outlining how this fictional world (comprised of her fans as subjects and herself as the leader) functions. From titling herself as an autocrat to crowning Pedro Pascal as the “unspoken, matrimonial select[ed]” king of Broski Nation, she has created a platform where she and her fans can comedically and sarcastically interact. Broski has even incorporated her fictional country into her new YouTube Talk Show, Royal Court. Inviting guests ranging from fellow influencers to celebrities, Broski interviews them with the intent of providing them a “seat” on her royal court. Most recently, Cody Ko not only received his seat but also gained the title of “historian” within her royal cabinet. 

Broski’s undoubtedly brilliant mind and witty sense of humor are what sets her apart from other influencers. She understands and strongly vocalizes the experience of being a girl, whether that be through fan culture or simply discussing the experience of womanhood. The space she has paved and forged on the Internet is a community that comfortably expresses every facet of art, culture, and life without shame. It is not only impactful but also absolutely incredible to witness. 

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Sophia Ferraro – Florida State University HerCampus Chapter