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Confessions of a ’90s Kid vs. 2000s Kid

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

The ’90s and early 2000s were the golden era for movies, TV shows, music and pretty much everything else—and us ’90s kids never let anyone forget that. 

When ’90s kids watch shows on Disney and Nickelodeon today and compare them to the ones they used to watch.

2000s kids will never remember or know what it’s like to get up early on Saturday mornings to watch One Saturday Morning on ABC. 

When you realize that kids born in the early 2000s are in high school now.

When you have to interact with a 2000s kids and they’re not five years old.

When 2000s kids try to act like they know what it’s like to experience the nostalgia that comes with watching ’90s TV shows and listening to ’90s pop music.

Because we actually remember the Britney meltdown.

Courtesy: Tumblr 

2000s kids will never understand the emotions when we all finally found out what Zoey said about Chase in the time capsule.

Because we just can’t wait any longer for Fuller House to be released. 

When Nickelodeon announced that on Oct. 5 they were releasing The Splat, bringing back all the good ’90s shows we grew up loving.

When we realize that no matter how hard we try, and how many TV shows we bring back, it’ll never be the same.

But we will always know that we grew up during the best times of entertainment.

Her Campus at Florida State University.