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Choosing an Alternative Path To College: A Chat With Samantha Reiss

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Everyone has their own personal journey to follow when choosing the next step after graduating high school. For some, the path to college may be an obvious choice: attend a four-year university and get a degree so you can find a good job after graduation. On the other hand, there are some that may wish instead to take a more non-traditional route, through maybe finding an apprenticeship or getting a job right out of high school. But the main question is how do you know which path is right for you?

Samantha Reiss, who chose to take an alternative path to the traditional college setting, is currently in her second year of attending an innovative educational program called “The MYX.”

The MYX program is a higher-level educational program where students gain valuable work experience while pursuing a specific path in their field of interest. For instance, there are several paths to choose from which are degree MYX, work MYX and explore MYX. The degree MYX is where you are in the MYX but pursuing a degree from a different university. The work MYX is where you take classes and get certifications for a specific field you want to work in. The explore MYX is where you take a diverse collection of courses and receive certifications to discover potential interests.

This program is unique because it allows students to continue to learn and build on their new skills and talents while also gaining real-world experience so that they can grow their resumes. I recently had the opportunity to chat with Samantha about her personal journey to taking a non-traditional route and learn more about her experience at the MYX.

Her Campus (HC): Why did you decide to take a non-traditional path to college?

Samantha Reiss (SR): I knew when I was in high school that the traditional college experience was not something that I was necessarily interested in. I also knew that I wanted to have a more diverse and inclusive educational experience than the one that was being offered to me at the time.

HC: How would you describe the MYX, in your own words?

SR: The MYX is an amazing program that offers a creative and enriching learning environment where the focus is catered to you. This program lets you explore your own interests and pursue your passions while at the same time providing mentorship and support from a diverse group of instructors who are there to help you succeed.

HC: How did you find out about this program?

SR: I first found out about this program originally through a close friend of my dad’s. My dad’s friend worked as a college advising counselor and had recently had a conversation with one of the founders of the MYX program and felt that I would be a great candidate.

HC: How is the MYX program different from traditional universities?

SR: The MYX program gives you all of the tools you need to be confident and successful in any future ventures you want to partake in. For instance, they allow you to study whatever you’re interested in and help you develop your strengths and passions from there. This program allows you to build a network that supports you and encourages growth and success throughout your life.

HC: What inspired you to apply to the program?  

SR: I owe it all to my parents honestly because they always helped to push and encourage me to make decisions for myself and choose the path that was best fit for me and my personal life. I honestly feel that it is their support that inspired me to be more confident in choosing a path less taken and applying for the MYX program.

HC: What are you currently studying?  

SR: In my first year in the MYX, I studied the medicinal properties of marijuana and now I am currently studying the medicinal properties of psychedelics. Along with these concepts, I am also studying a holistic approach to health and medicine and the philosophical and spiritual benefits of these experiences as well.

HC: How has your experience in the MYX program shaped you?  

SR: The MYX has changed my life. This program has helped me to blossom into myself more and has truly helped me to grow academically and emotionally. Also, this program has helped me gain more confidence in myself and my abilities to succeed in anything I choose to pursue in the future.

HC: What has been your favorite experience while at the MYX?

SR: My favorite experience at the MYX has been studying in Costa Rica. This experience was life-changing and allowed me to really grow as an individual. This was my first time really leaving home and being on my own for an extended period of time. It forced me out of my comfort zone and made me learn more about myself than I ever would have otherwise.

If there is anything that I think should be taken from this conversation, it is that careful consideration is necessary when choosing the right setting that works for you and your personal learning style. This is essential as it helps you to thrive and feel challenged in the environment you choose. Moreover, with the emphasis on inquiry-based learning and experiential learning, I feel that the MYX program is a good fit for students who want to learn in a supportive environment while having the opportunity to explore their passions and learn through more hands-on experience.

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Hi! I am currently a senior majoring in Media & Communication Studies and minoring in Psychology! I love practicing yoga on the beach, cuddling with my cat Bean, and collecting crystals <3