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Chelsi Chang: The Woman Behind Union Production Events

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Name: Chelsi Chang

Year: Sophomore

Major: Media Communication/Communication Studies and Humanities for Film Studies

Hometown: Miami, Florida

Courtesy: Chelsi Chang

Her Campus (HC): What is your job title and what exactly does your job in Union Productions (UP) entail?

Chelsi Chang (CC): I’m the special events coordinator at Union productions and my job is basically to plan events. Every month we have like a big Friday which leads into Breakfast for a Buck, so what I do is that I just plan out big events with rides, novelties, free food and stuff like that that all students can come out to and enjoy.

HC: How did you start working for UP?

CC: I started last year as a freshman. I was going to some of the events during SS week (Seminole Sensation week) and I saw them tabling and they told me that they were responsible for a couple of the events that were happening and I was very interested in what was going on so I volunteered for a year. Originally, I had applied for a completely different position and I was going to work my way up to special events but they gave me special events first.

HC: What made you want to start working with UP?

CC: I didn’t really know what I wanted to do. I’m very big on organization and planning things and being involved… to be honest when I joined I wasn’t completely sure what was the entire organization was about. The more I learned about what the organization is and what they do the more I fell in love with it and I found people that I really connect with.

HC: What’s the best part about your job?

CC: I like the day of the event and the stress that comes with it. I like a reasonable amount of stress. I don’t like being calm and I don’t like sitting down; I love running around doing things. The day of the event is always crazy and hectic and there’s like 500 people calling me at once. I feel like I’m in charge and get to watch the event unfold and it’s really fun to watch people enjoy themselves and have a good time.

Courtesy: Chelsi Chang

HC: How do you balance school work and your job?

CC: I don’t sleep, ever. I’m really crazy about school work; I try to get good grades and keep up a good GPA. You have to learn how to balance it out properly. I have office hours and I only work in my office hours, I refuse to work after that. Except for days of an event, I try to keep all of my work within my office hours. I make sure that those lives are kept separate.

HC: How about your social life?

CC: I don’t know. I really like Netflix. It’s a really good friend and it’s always there so it’s real cool. I’m learning how to do it. I get busy thinking about all the school work that I have to do that I forget to enjoy myself.

HC: Any advice for those who would want to work for UP or any other organization on campus?

CC: I think it’s important to go to as many club meetings as possible. Make sure you’re involved because it’s only going to help you in the future. I’ve learned so much from this job and I feel incredibly blessed that I’m in a position where I can learn so much but at the same time still be a student and, like, have the best of both worlds. Find something that you’re passionate about and then you’ll find your friends that way and you’ll find a sense of accomplishment. It doesn’t matter what you’re interested in, there’s definitely something on campus for you. There’s not only just Greek life, there’s so many other opportunities to get involved and I think that’s so important.

Catch the next Union Production event “Winter Wonderland: Find Your Chill” on December 4th! 

Her Campus at Florida State University.