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What To Bring to College and What’s Better Left at Home: FSU Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Even though it feels very far in the future, it won’t be long until you’re packing up to move into a dorm for your first year at FSU. The only issue: you have absolutely no idea what to pack. Here are some do’s and don’ts to help guide you in the right direction: 

1. DO  Bring Lots of Command Strips 

Command strips are an absolute must-have for college move-in. I can’t emphasize this enough. They’re perfect for hanging up any decorations, especially since you can’t put any nails or screws into dorm walls. Command hooks will also be very useful. They’re great for hanging up towels, coats, or even keys. I would definitely suggest buying a few packs of Command strips and hooks before your move-in day.

2. DON’T Pack Too Many Pajamas

If you will get anything from college besides an education, it’s free t-shirts. At almost every event you go to, complimentary t-shirts are given out. For this reason, don’t bring too many pajamas. You’ll end up rotating between the exact same sleep shirts and the pile will just continue to load up, leaving half of your pajamas untouched. Since storage is limited, that’s a lot of drawer space that you can save!

3. DO Bring Lots of Printed Pictures 

While some decorations are important, I wouldn’t recommend bringing too many because dorms are small. But, if you do decide to bring any decoration, it should definitely be pictures. Something that many people struggle with after moving to college for their first year is homesickness and having some pictures of friends and family to look at is effective. You can print out a bunch of pictures cheaply and quickly at CVS which, luckily, we have just steps away from campus. What better way to brighten up your room than filling it with all of your favorite people? 

4. DON’T Bring a TV 

As I previously mentioned, dorm rooms are small. Realistically, the amount of space you have is not enough to fit a TV. It will take up a lot of room in a car and there are other devices that you can watch your favorite shows on. Personally, I think an iPad is a great investment for college. It fits nicely in your lap for when you want to watch Netflix after a long day, and you can buy cases for it that allow you to add a keyboard. You can even draw/take notes with the Apple pen! It’s a computer, journal, and TV all in one and can fit right into your backpack.  

5. DO Pack Some Professional Clothes

College is a great time to start curating your professional wardrobe. You don’t need to pack a bunch, but make sure to include some nice business-casual clothing in case you go to a professional event or land an interview. Since you won’t have your whole closet and most things at college are pretty casual, it’s usually an easy thing to forget to pack. Make sure you have at least one nice outfit you can use in case you need it. And, if you don’t end up having any professional events or interviews that you need it for, then you still have it in case you and your new friends want to go out for a nice dinner! 

6. DON’T Bring Your Whole Closet

This is easier said than done, but don’t bring every outfit you own with you to college. I highly suggest packing per semester. Bring the clothes that you’ll need for that specific season and then exchange them for other clothes in your closet when you go home for breaks. Also, it’s worth considering bringing a few basic outfits and packing a bunch of smaller accessories to brighten up the outfits and make them unique. Also, as previously mentioned, you’ll get a lot of new T-shirts in college, which will help add to your repertoire of clothes to choose from. 

7. DO Invest in Shower Shoes 

Even though at FSU we don’t have communal bathrooms, sharing a bathroom with three other people isn’t exactly the height of hygiene. I would recommend getting a cheap pair of shower shoes or Crocs that you can slip on when you shower in the dorms. 

8. DON’T Buy Kitchen Appliances 

Most dorm halls prohibit appliances like cooktops, air fryers, and toaster ovens in the room, so it’s probably best to leave those at home. If you are worried about not having cooking appliances, all of FSU’s dorm halls have a communal kitchen on every floor with some appliances that you can use. Also, look into meal plan options so that you don’t have to cook at all. 

9. DO Bring a Hammock 

If you have a hammock at home, bring it! One of the perks of going to college in Florida is that the weather is warm for a lot of the year, and you’ll want to take advantage of that and get some outdoor time. You will see people frequently putting their hammocks up on Landis Green or Mina Jo Powell Green and studying inside. It’s the perfect little secluded spot to hang out in when the libraries are packed or when the weather is beautiful. 

10. DON’T Bring Too Many Physical Books 

If you’re a bookworm like me, the temptation to bring all of your books with you to college is strong. However, you simply won’t have enough room to store all of them in your dorm room. Also, once you start getting your textbooks, any space on your shelf will decrease rapidly. Bring a few books on your reading list and then grab some new ones when you get home. You could also invest in a Kindle (or an iPad) and read digitally to save space and be more eco-friendly. You could also go with the classic traditional route of getting a library card and renting out your books! Moral of the story: don’t bring your entire bookshelf with you. 

11. DO Pack Extra Lighting 

Ask anyone who has lived in the dorms, and they’ll tell you that the overhead lighting is all things but comforting. If you’re anything like me, you cannot relax with harsh bright lighting shining on you from all directions. For that reason, bring some cute and small lamps and other light sources to help create a better atmosphere. You’ll thank me later. 

At the end of the day, it’s pretty likely that you’ll forget to pack something or bring way too much of another thing. However, hopefully, this points you in the right direction for where to start! 

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Hannah Scheifele is a writer from Tampa and is an English Education major at FSU. She cares deeply about the environment and likes to read, exercise, do yoga, take pictures, and sew/crochet in her free time! Feel free to reach out to her on insta @hannah.sch_<3