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Photo taken by friend owned by Hanya Noussier
Life > Experiences

The Ins and Outs of FSU: Insight From a Graduating Senior

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

It’s nearing the second half of the spring semester here at Florida State University (FSU), which means grad season is approaching quickly. For seniors, this means a time of reflecting, planning and lots of heavy nostalgic emotion. I sat down with my roommate Alley M’Sadoques, who is a senior graduating this May and asked her some questions about her overall time here at FSU.

Her Campus (HC): What’s your major? 

Alley M’Sadoques (AM): Biological sciences.

HC: What was your original perception of FSU coming in freshman year? 

AM: My original perception of FSU was obviously that it was a party school. FSU was my top choice when I applied to colleges in high school and although I knew of its party school reputation, I was excited to see what it offered. My first impression was more so that it was intimidating being a freshman. I remember sitting in pre-health clubs watching the executive board speak thinking there was no way I would ever be comfortable enough to run for a position. Joining clubs and putting myself out there seemed super scary to freshman me.

HC: How has that perception changed over the past four years? 

AM: My perception has changed drastically over the last four years. Joining the rowing team and becoming a part of a club sport here was nothing I ever imagined I would do. Running for an executive position for the Pre-Veterinary Club and being treasurer for two years was another thing I never saw happening. FSU turned into a place full of possibilities and it really is true that these four years are what you make of them. There are endless activities to do and endless clubs to join if you are willing to put yourself out there. I learned that it’s not as scary as it seems, and everyone is in the same boat.

HC: What’s your favorite spot on campus? 

AM: My favorite spot on campus is the brick pathway between the Student Services Building and the Health and Wellness Center. There’s something about that spot that makes FSU feel like a home, maybe it’s the fact that the buildings and the pathways all connect with the same brick. Whenever I walk there it reminds me of when I first toured FSU. I can still remember sitting in that spot while the tour guide talked about the Health and Wellness Center, knowing that this was the school that I want to go to. So, now I love walking and sitting on the benches in between those two buildings just to take in the surroundings and people watch.

HC: What has been your favorite class you’ve ever taken here? 

AM: My favorite class I’ve ever taken here is yeast genetics with Dr. Hong-Guo Yu— an experimental biology class that counts as a public speaking requirement. I was terrified to take a public speaking class and was even more worried that it was just a class all about yeast, but it ended up being the most interesting class I have taken because of how hands-on it was.

Also, I have to give a shout-out to my cutie lab partner who made this class even better.

HC: What’s your favorite place to go out in town? 

AM: Oh, definitely Palace Saloon, but to give a slightly classier answer, I love Township and how they offer different things every day of the week. I won’t miss a flip-my-ship night for my life unless Bullwinkles takes me down the night before.

HC: If you could give one piece of advice to your incoming freshman-year self, what would it be?

AM: If I could give one piece of advice to my freshman-year self it would be to stress less. Have fun and enjoy these years because they truly are not like anything you will ever experience again. Just take in every single moment as these memories will last a lifetime and it goes by in the blink of an eye. I remember crying over every single test grade, but now I know that although grades are important, they don’t mean the end of the world. You will still graduate and still find a career you love. I am extremely sentimental so I would also tell myself that it’s okay to go through change. You will go through different friend groups, but you are growing as a person, so that’s not always a bad thing.

HC: Overall, what’s your favorite memory at FSU over the past four years? 

AM: Ahhh! My favorite memory is so hard to choose, but I think others would agree with me in saying it had to be getting thrown into Wescott Fountain. I actually cried as I was being thrown in because I was so happy. Having your friends join you on your 21st birthday on a random Tuesday at midnight is so cute and thinking about all the places that have been held to such a high standard that you can now explore is so exciting. I’ve honestly loved so much of my time here at FSU, even with all of the rough patches. Every single night out is a memory that holds significance and being how sentimental I am, I will literally sit and think about these nights whenever I can. Each semester holds its own memories, from exploring every inch of Tallahassee’s parks to driving through Georgia on random weekends. These are the memories I’m going to take with me far beyond graduation.

Good luck to both our seniors and incoming freshmen!

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Olivia is pursuing a BA in English- Editing, Writing, and Media with a minor in Retail Operations at Florida State University.