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Greenery at Florida State University.
Original photo by Cristina Angee
Life > Experiences

Reasons Why Every Freshman Should Go to Market Wednesday

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Ah, the rush hour of Legacy Walk, when students bump into each other and get bribed with free food to join a club’s GroupMe. Even though most students attempt to avoid the chaos of this ongoing tradition, Market Wednesdays will always be a staple for Florida State. Current freshmen new to this culture shouldn’t even think twice about attending this weekly activity hosted at Legacy Walk and Moore Auditorium Patio. From 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. each week, there is a plethora of stands to explore, and I guarantee that you will find one that sparks your interest. Here are a few reasons why this could be a good head start for any student’s personal and professional life. 

Market Wednesday, which occurs every week, grants the opportunity to find the right community for anyone and everyone. For instance, fraternities and sororities promote their mission statements in order to attract their desired candidates. Suppose you want to be part of a big house filled with girls or boys to participate in endless leadership positions, form lifelong bonds, and volunteer at events. Even business, engineering, and other co-ed Greek life can be suitable organizations for your networking purposes. Connecting with people with similar career goals could benefit your post-graduation job search.


Favorite part of the week

♬ willow – Taylor Swift

People with passions other than their careers are also at Market Wednesdays. Do you like working out and staying active? Well, there are also lots of sport-related clubs that take tables, from weightlifting clubs to occasional running events that will push you into achieving a new personal record. Various other FSU clubs that focus on advocating leadership positions, fundraising, and promoting future events also attend. Anyone can sign up to register a table; hence, new tables join for exploration every week. Overall, meeting people will open networking opportunities and facilitate deciding what your interests are.

If you have already found what suits you, you can also go to Market Wednesdays for a good time. Market vendors are a hotspot for finding unique products and supporting small businesses. There is always a heartwarming story behind each seller; some are even run by students. You can shop for vintage clothes, bags, handmade jewelry, and homemade foods. Finding something that resonates with your culture and personality might brighten your stressful day at Florida State.

Putting yourself out there is an excellent first step when tackling the challenge of figuring out the right career path. Making new friends and finding the right group of people may still be hard for any introvert or extrovert suddenly thrown into a new environment. As scary as it may be at first, this foreign environment will be what you make of it. You control the college experience you want to live for four or more years. The decisions for reaching that pinnacle are waiting for you to take that first step into that journey — a journey filled with new friends, community, and the excitement that filled everything in between. One of the best ways to start that would be taking a step back and looking at those market stands hollering to get your attention, because maybe one of them might change your collegiate life.

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I am a junior at Florida State University double majoring in Media Communications Studies & Editing, Writing, and Media.