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How To Survive the Rest of Winter at FSU, From a Northerner’s POV

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

It’s no secret that Floridians don’t get along well with the cold. If you’ve been on FSU’s campus, or even in Tallahassee during the past few weeks, then you probably saw the battle that many students were losing to the cold, on top of already having to face it yourself. 

What makes this weather so much more painful is that those cold snaps come so infrequently that most of us don’t really have the notice, time, or wardrobe to prepare for it. Let’s be honest, sometimes it can be hard to justify spending up to $100 on a winter coat, especially one that will probably be used for a week before getting shoved into the back of your closet, collecting dust for another 360 out of the 365 days of the year. With that in mind, here are a few methods I use to prevent freezing and breaking the bank, as someone who grew up in the North.

1. Layer Up

This might seem obvious, but you probably won’t regret layering up. I’m sure many of us have spent a decent amount of time trying to find outfits with the least amount of clothing that’ll leave us drenched in as little sweat as possible. In this case, it’s time to switch our mindsets.

While you may already be incorporating a sweater or hoodie into your outfit with the hope of keeping you warm, I recommend to try layering a long sleeve underneath it, as well. From my experience, anything form-fitting top or thermal will do the job best, but if you have an added layer between your skin and that cold winter breeze, you’ll probably find the cold is much more bearable.

Additionally, you don’t have to limit the layering to hidden things that will keep you warm on the inside. You could also opt for adding a flannel, jean jacket, or any sort of outerwear on top of your sweater or sweatshirt. I’ve found that this method of layering doesn’t leave me looking or feeling bulky, and sometimes even gives me more credit than I deserve when it comes to my fashion sense.  

Don’t just stop at the tops either: throw leggings on underneath your favorite pair of loose jeans, or maybe just double up on some thick socks! 

2. Find a cozy spot

My next piece of advice would be to find somewhere on campus that’s warm and cozy to spend your time. Instead of driving to campus or leaving your dorm right before you have to be in class, maybe show up an hour earlier, find somewhere inside where you can sit and enjoy the warmth and coziness of being around others (bonus points if it’s in a central location to all your classes!). It might hurt to have to leave your spot and brave the cold once again, but in my opinion, it beats dashing from a cold car to a cold parking garage or having to take the long walk across campus to sit in your dorm for a little while, just to get back up and do the same thing again.

Some places you might already know to tuck into could be the Student Union, either Strozier or Dirac Library (for those wanting as much concentration and focus as possible), or the 1851 food hall. However, I’ve found that you’re often gambling on finding an open seat in those popular areas. For that reason, I’d suggest checking out Dodd Hall, the hidden upstairs of the Shores building, or the Doctor’s Inn in the College of Medicine. Honestly, just start getting creative and soaking up the warmth in a building that you’re not paying the utilities for! 

3. Have a Warm treat

My last suggestion would be to indulge in some warm treats. We usually lean on Starbucks and Dunkin for our daily iced coffee concoctions, but why not take full advantage of the other incredible options we have around campus? My favorite hidden gem is Calvin’s Coffee House which is nestled on the same side of campus as the College of Music. This café might appear quaint and unassuming, but its menu and quality certainly aren’t. They offer hot coffees and lattes, rotating seasonal flavors, and — most importantly — zen.

If you’re not a coffee drinker, fear not! Just off Landis Green is Argo Tea Café. Argo Tea incorporates the health benefits of tea with fun and interesting flavor combinations, making some really exciting drinks. Pair one of their teas with a fresh croissant or Danish and you just might feel like you’re living out the winter on some exotic European island! 

Despite the occasional week or two that gets down to freezing temperatures, Florida has some of the best winters. Considering that our school has the best campus in Florida, we can enjoy 90 percent of those winters. Using some of these suggestions might allow you to optimize even the coldest of times on campus!  

Want to see more HCFSU? Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Pinterest! 

Hello! I am Lilli Anderson, a staff writer at the Her Campus at Florida State University chapter. My articles are geared towards culture and current trends as well as the college lifestyle typically with a focus on and appreciation for music, nature, and the overlooked beauty of everyday life. Beyond Her Campus, I am a Media Communications Studies major at Florida State University where I volunteer in the sports broadcast club, Seminole Productions. This is excitingly my first time writing for a publication company as most of my experience comes from papers and projects for my communications classes or the humanities classes I take for my minor in women's studies. If it wasn't for the college classes I took in high school that allowed me to graduate in 2023 with an Associate of Arts degree as well as my high school diploma, then I would not already be on this academic path and pursuing my career goals! Although I now proudly claim Tallahassee as my home, I am from the Greater Tampa Bay Area and grew up in Ohio originally. I think having spent half of my life up north before moving to Florida has truly given me an appreciative perspective on where and how I live now. For that reason I am in love with all things having to do with nature, being outside, and just taking full advantage of the fact that I see the sun for more than only 4 months out of the year as a Florida citizen. You can probably find me passing the time by doing my homework outside, going to the beach or for a hike, grabbing a coffee (and probably a few too many pastries) with friends, devoting my whole day to getting a good spot in line at a concert, cooking and baking, or napping with my pets next to me in bed; I am a simple girl who enjoys the simple joys of life!!