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6 FSU Resources I’ll Be Using As I Finish the Spring Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

I don’t know about you, but the fact that the semester is ending in less than a month doesn’t seem real. In the rush of making new experiences, joining clubs, finishing tests and papers, and everything in between, I realized that I neglected some of the amazing resources available at FSU. Whether it’s getting career help, professional clothing, academic guidance, or enjoying fun events held by Club Downunder, there are so many great things happening at FSU all the time. So, with that said, here’s a little guide to some of the best resources I’ll be taking advantage of as the end of the year looms closer.

The Career Center

This resource is so underrated! I remember hearing about the Career Center when I toured FSU about a year ago and thought it was so amazing, but I never went. There are so many resources at the Career Center that can help you with crafting resumes and cover letters, scoring an internship, and maximizing your experience both in the workplace and in the classroom. If you have an internship application coming up or would like to refresh your resume after the semester ends, it would be a great idea to go check out some of the wonderful offerings at the Career Center. I know I’ll be running by their drop-in advising to get some feedback on my resume before I leave for the summer!

ProfessioNole Closet

While this is kind of similar to the Career Center, and both of them are found in the Dunlap Success Center, the ProfessioNole Closet services are unbeatable! You can book an appointment, or you can stop by for drop-in appointments on Wednesdays from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Each semester, students can go and receive four different pieces ranging from entire suit sets to blouses to purses and shoes! One of the best parts is that the suit set counts as one piece! The idea is that, by the time you graduate, you’ll have an entire wardrobe of professional clothing to use for interviews or your first job. I completely forgot about this last semester, but I’ll definitely be dropping in to elevate my professional wardrobe.

ACE Tutoring Sessions

As finals come up, using FSU’s academic success opportunities could be the difference between acing that last test or completely bombing a final paper. With options ranging from group tutoring sessions, writing help, course-based tutoring, and more, the Academic Center for Success (found in the William Johnston Building) has everything you could need to freshen up on your course materials. I know I’ll be taking advantage of the class-specific tutoring sessions for my math course, and you should think about doing the same!

Club DownUnder

Getting set up for career and academic success is important, but having fun and making some memories with your friends is just as essential! Even though the year is wrapping up, FSU’s student life organizations are keeping things going with fun events for the rest of the month, like a K-pop night, a visit to Margaritaville, and a local covers showcase! These are great (and free!) ways to take a break from studying.

Outside of Club Downunder, many FSU organizations are hosting end-of-the-year fairs and events, so keep an eye out for more to come!

Landis Green

Things are always happening at the green. Whether that’s laying out in the sun, playing touch football, or stopping by an organization’s table for free merch or food, there’s something for everyone over at Landis Green. One of my favorite things to do is lay out a blanket and enjoy my dinner as the sun sets. It’s a wonderful way to take some time away for yourself.

FSU Sports

I feel like this one can seem like a given, but FSU sports are having a really successful spring season, and it would be so fun to stop by a game or two! I know I’m going to try and squeeze in a baseball and a softball game before the end of the year. Following the different teams’ respective Instagrams will keep you updated on all of the games and events coming up for the end of the year!

There’s so much to do before the semester ends that you should take advantage of! All these opportunities could help you develop just a little bit more professionally, academically, and personally before going into summer.

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McKenna is a new Staff Writer at the Her Campus at Florida State University. She is currently a freshman and is pursuing a dual degree with majors in Political Science and History and minors in Economics and Russian. McKenna is a member of the Women in Pre-Law Society and Alpha Chi Omega sorority and is looking forward to joining more organizations throughout her time at Florida State. Outside of school, McKenna enjoys watching the Atlanta Braves, running, listening to podcasts, hitting the gym, and going to concerts. She loves watching Florida State’s football and baseball teams. In her hometown just outside of Atlanta, Georgia, you’ll find her four dogs and one cat, bob.