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Bella Bozied and Fabiana Beuses
Bella Bozied and Fabiana Beuses
Photo by Victoria Cardoso

How Her Campus at FSU Changed My Life (and Why You Should Join)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

After what felt like a dreadfully long summer, the opportunities seemed endless at the start of the 2023-2024 academic year. I’d just decided to change my major, moved into a new apartment, and felt like I was starting fresh in every other aspect of my life. I had no idea what would be in store for me this year.

I applied to Her Campus at FSU (HCFSU) on a whim. I noticed that HCFSU’s Instagram had followed me a few months back and saw they were still accepting applications. I’d never really thought about pursuing journalism before but wanted to give it a try. The organization seemed to elevate college women and their experiences. So I thought, why not?

After applying at the very last minute, I was selected to be a Staff Writer for HCFSU. If I’m being honest, I was completely shocked. Yes, I was proud of my application, but I felt a little embarrassed after submitting everything right at the deadline. Despite this, I couldn’t let the opportunity pass. Everything in me said to go for it, so I applied.

I wish I could thank my past self, in all honesty. I’m so grateful for joining HCFSU for countless reasons. If you’re debating on joining this amazing group of young women in the fall, here’s why you should take the leap.

Stepping out of your Comfort Zone is Good for You

Trying new things can feel terrifying. You may feel like you’d rather wait a few semesters to apply because “you still have time,” or think it’s too late in your academic journey to venture out. Regardless, if you can’t shake the feeling of wanting to join, or if you’re feeling curious about the organization, trust your gut! At the end of the day, if you don’t get in or don’t like it, at least you put yourself out there.

We Support One Another

This may sound a bit cheesy, but the women in HCFSU truly support each other. Whether my editor leaves me sweet notes after an article submission or another staff writer reposts my article to their Instagram story, I feel constantly uplifted by the other editors and writers.

Being Vulnerable Feels Easier

Writing for myself has allowed me to become much more vulnerable. I now feel comfortable expressing my feelings, fears, and insecurities about anything. This was definitely not the case before. Though I sometimes write about whatever silly topic pops into my brain, I’ve grown tremendously from becoming more vulnerable in my work.

It’s Really Fun

I thoroughly enjoy the social events at HCFSU. Whether we’re painting tote bags, making vision boards, or addressing the latest celebrity scandal, every time I’m surrounded by the Her Campus at FSU girlies, I have a blast. I’ve met so many cool people because of HCFSU.

Becoming a Staff Writer at HCFSU is easily one of the best decisions I’ve made. It’s led me to find my passion, make connections, and learn a lot about myself. Though this is only my second semester with the organization, I have so much love for Her Campus. Hopefully, after reading this, you feel encouraged to at least give HCFSU a chance!

Want to see more HCFSU? Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Pinterest!

Allysa Laufersky is a Sophomore at Florida State University. She is a Staff Writer at Her Campus FSU, and is currently majoring in Media/Communication Studies, while minoring in English. Loves dancing, "hot girl walks", music, film, anything pop-culture related, TikTok, taking photos, and being in the moment.