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Go Touch Grass: My Top 4 Campus Spots for Some R & R

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

A semester’s beginning is associated with the stress of figuring out your classes, buying textbooks, and ultimately getting back into the school routine after the break. This can make it hard to ensure you’re taking care of yourself. One thing that has helped me is being outside! Soaking in some sweet Vitamin D, letting my feet touch the Earth, and feeling the breeze on my skin, has always made me feel more relaxed and like I can face the stress of the week coming my way! But sometimes, you just don’t feel like driving to find a natural spot to relax and want something a bit closer and more accessible. So here are my top four spots on the FSU campus to pop over for some rest and relaxation!

1. Landis Green

First off, we obviously have Landis Green, a fan favorite. A place with endless entertainment, from club tabling, people playing instruments, movie nights to even Sister Cindy. But if you’re looking for some quiet, there’s no shortage of that either. Curl up under the shade of the big tree across from the Montgomery building, lay out a blanket, read or get some sun and jump into Legacy Fountain for a nice cool down when it’s really hot. For those who like hammocking, there are a couple of trees on the side of Landis across from The Hub. But if those are full, check out #3 on my list!

2. Langford

Langford is perfect for burning off some stress. Whether you’re joining a pick-up soccer game, taking a Yoga class or doing a little solo mat Pilates, there are plenty of ways to get active here. There’s also plenty of parking, making it accessible from and off-campus locations. With a beautiful view of the front of Doak Campbell Stadium and the shade it provides when the sun is setting, there’s a reason Langford is a favorite of mine.

3. Mina Jo Powell Alumni Green

Located right between the Opperman Music Hall and the Ruby Diamond Concert Hall, this tucked-away green can be flooded with the sweet sound of music and choir coming from either hall. But my favorite part has to be the trees because when Landis has no hammocking spots left, the Alumni Green has plenty! Perfect for reading or getting a little homework done, or just sitting back and listening to the music wafting your way while letting your mind wander.

4. The Greek Park

Tucked between Landis Hall and Sweet Shop Cafe is a quiet little oasis. Filled with massive oak trees, beautiful flowers and old statues, this is one of my favorite serene spots on campus. But the kicker? In the middle sits a “meditation pavilion” with stained glass windows, Gothic arches and an intricate cast-iron clock. Benches scattered throughout the park make the perfect spot just to sit back, relax and listen to the noise of people shuffling around you. The shadows cast by the trees make for the perfect spot to cuddle up with a good book and maybe have a muffin from the cafe across the street!

Running around campus trying to get to classes all the time can make it hard to realize how beautiful FSU actually is. When you have the time to relax and decompress, check out one of these serene spots. Soak in the sun, breathe in the air, connect with nature and know that you’ve got this!

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Hey, I'm Chloe and I'm a senior at Florida State! I'm a staff writer at HerCampus FSU and a fun fact about me is that I'm also a certified lifeguard! I love hammocking and reading outside and I'm always down to go for a swim!