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Five Tips I Wish I Knew Before My Freshman Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

So far, my freshman year at Florida State University (FSU) has been anything but boring. Having just started my spring semester, I’d like to say I’m a pro at all things FSU, but realistically I need a couple more years under my belt. Regardless, I have a few tips and tricks to make your first freshman semester as smooth as possible.

Keep a rain jacket in your backpack

Thanks to Florida’s painfully unpredictable weather, I had to learn this lesson the hard way. It was a seemingly sunny day and I headed to class unsuspectingly. To my surprise, it was pouring by the time my class was over. After frantically searching my backpack for some kind of shield while attempting to wait out the storm, I gave up and walked 15 minutes back to my dorm. I was practically a puddle by the time I got back. Aside from learning that my “waterproof” mascara was indeed faulty, I learned to never underestimate Florida’s temperamental weather. From that point forward, I have always kept a rain jacket in my backpack, just in case.

invest in headphones

During my time at FSU so far, my AirPods have become my best friends. Whether I’m walking to class or going to get coffee, you’re likely to find me with my AirPods in. Once you start listening to music when you’re walking, good luck trying to go anywhere without music in your ears. Aside from getting in your daily dose of music, I can guarantee you will feel like the main character. Late to class? No worries, just put on some upbeat music and you will be there in a flash. Walking back to your dorm after not doing so hot on an exam? Put on some tunes and forget your worries.

study outside of your room

Regardless of whether your favorite study spot is on Landis Green or on one of the comfy couches in Strozier Library, getting out of your room when you study can help your productivity. During my summer semester, I studied a lot in my dorm; I found it hard to focus, and studying took me much longer than it should have. Naturally, I started to expand my studying spots. I can attest that focusing is much easier when you place yourself in an environment other than your room. Most recently, my favorite places to study have been the picnic tables outside of Argo Tea and lounging on Landis. The gorgeous weather in Tallahassee at the start of the spring semester is perfect for studying outside. Though I can’t promise I’ll continue to study outdoors as the Tallahassee heat creeps back in for the summer, studying outside is quickly becoming a staple in my day-to-day routine for now.

get involved

Whatever you are interested in, you’re bound to find a club or organization that you will enjoy at FSU. From Greek life to the Scuba Club, FSU has an opportunity for everyone to get involved. I’ve been pleasantly surprised at the number of organizations that have caught my eye around campus. Even if you’re simply just walking around FSU’s campus, you’re bound to walk past a flier that will catch your eye. With countless clubs and opportunities for students, deciding what organization(s) to join is a harder task than one might think, but so worth it. Getting involved in organizations around campus has pushed me to start figuring out what I want to do after college. Getting involved can guide you towards goals and interests that will last you far beyond your university years.

give yourself time to rest

Overexerting yourself is far too easy to come by in college. With so many interesting classes and organizations to join, it’s easy to end up with a jam-packed schedule. Though it’s extremely important to stay involved, taking a step back to rest is equally as important. For example, I’ve recently been setting aside a few hours throughout my week to read. Whether it’s simply giving yourself a day to sleep in, or setting aside time to do something you enjoy, make sure you get that time to rest and reset.

Good luck to all fellow and future freshmen!

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Carly Nelson is an advertising major scheduled to graduate in 2026 from Florida State University. She loves music, going for coffee runs, concerts, and art.