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Everything I Love About Living in an Apartment While at FSU

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

I remember how excited I was to move into my dorm freshman year at Florida State University. However, like many freshmen, come May, I was equally as eager to move out. My dorm never really felt like home. It lacked privacy and felt so far away from everything else on campus. I survived Salley Hall for an entire school year and I’ve now lived in my current apartment for almost eight months. Therefore, I feel qualified to share all that I love about my off-campus apartment compared to my dorm at FSU. 


Let’s begin with my biggest concern: privacy. Anyone who’s lived in a dorm knows the struggle of being at the mercy of another person’s schedule. It’s hard to coexist with someone who functions differently than you when you live in a shoebox with one door.

I can happily report that living in an apartment has completely eliminated this issue for me. Although I live with three roommates, we can all come and go as we please because we have our own rooms. Having control over your own bedroom door is a game changer. This also keeps me from being woken up by anyone’s early morning or late-night activities. 


Additionally, my own lock is another reason why I adore living in an apartment. As a paranoid young woman, I’m constantly double-checking my surroundings and keeping myself locked up. Being able to lock my bedroom door has brought me so much peace of mind. I no longer feel the need to wait up for unreliable roommates and double-check that they lock the door. I also love knowing that I can go home for the weekend without worrying about nosy roommates snooping through my stuff.

As simple as it sounds, a door lock has helped me avoid major issues with my roommates. Someone’s using my stuff without replacing it? Simple solution: Keep it in my locked room. Someone can’t clean my things after using them? Lock them in my room.

Private bathroom

As a female who loves primping, I was so happy to get my own bathroom. The ability to store my products on shelves and in drawers makes me way happier than it should. Being able to do my makeup and hair without suitemates interrupting to pee is so much more pleasant! Words can’t even express how nice it is to take a shower without shower shoes and a normal amount of water pressure.


One of the most underrated parts of living in an apartment is having access to amenities. My apartment includes pool, gym, and movie theater access for no additional costs. Furthermore, each apartment has its own in-unit washer and dryer, which means no more hassling with communal machines. If you’re concerned about socializing, take a trip to the lobby, lounge area, or study rooms to mingle. 


Although my apartment is technically off campus, I absolutely love being situated in College Town. Living in College Town is the perfect proximity to everything. Not only am I within walking distance from Doak Campbell Stadium, but I am also just a quick walk to campus for classes and extracurriculars. 

Don’t feel like walking? No worries because I have my own parking spot that’s exclusively assigned to me. No more worries about finding a spot in one of the campus garages or circling lots waiting for someone to leave. 

If you’re currently enduring dorm life, my heart goes out to you. You’ll get through this! If you’re considering transitioning to apartment living, I highly recommend exploring your options. Take some tours and seek advice from upperclassmen. You may find that the benefits of off-campus living far outweigh the dorm experience. 

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I am currently a senior at Florida State University obtaining my undergraduate degree from The College of Communications. I am majoring in Media Communications and minoring in Social Entrepreneurship with an expected graduation date of May 2025.