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Campus Celebrity: Taylor McCarthy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

A bright, motivated, college girl has a bright future ahead of her. Taylor McCarthy is a Florida State University twirler. Her passion started when she was only four years old. But if it weren’t for her PE teacher in pre-k to introduce to the world of twirling and baton, she probably wouldn’t be where she is now. At every football game and basketball game, Taylor steps on the court or field and gets an adrenaline rush each time her fire batons go up in the air. Taylor is from Palm Beach Gardens, Florida and is a junior at FSU majoring in Retail Merchandising and Product Development with a minor in Business. Aside from seeing each other in the classroom, I was able to sit down for a few moments and find out more about Taylor.

HC (Her Campus FSU): What is your favorite part about twirling?
TM (Taylor McCarthy): “There are so many amazing things that I’ve been able to do because of baton and that baton has taught me, but honestly, my favorite part is twirling at the wonderful Florida State University. I love twirling fire batons at halftime every week! It is the most amazing rush when I step onto the field at halftime every week and to hear the crowd get excited when I light my first fire baton, and then even more excited and loud when I add 2, 3, and 4 fire batons. It is so much fun and something that never gets old. It is always as exciting at each game; just like it’s my very first time.”

HC: When did you realize you love twirling?
TM: “As cheesy as it sounds, I knew I loved twirling the first time I touched a baton!” [laughs]

HC: Why did you choose FSU?
TM:  “I chose FSU because I have always dreamt of being feature twirler here. I looked at other schools during my senior year, but none compared in my heart to FSU. To be living that dream right now is the most incredible experience. I love being a member of Marching Chiefs! It has brought me so many awesome friends, and I really do feel like they are my family. I love the pride and tradition of FSU, and the fact that I can tell anyone across the country where I go to school, and they know our mascot and the warchant! Tons of schools have a tiger or a dog as their mascot, but there is only ONE Seminole and that makes me proud! I mean, how can any school top our pregame entrance by Osceola and Renegade?” [laughs]

HC: How do you prepare yourself before going out before a large crowd?
TM: “Well I don’t do anything elaborate, just little things here and there, but everything is pretty normal. When I prep for the games, besides practicing, I soak my fire batons the night before in 1/2 gasoline, 1/2 camp fire fuel so that they will be ready for the game on Saturday. Then I get a good nights sleep and wake up Saturday for practice. I get ready by showering, putting my hair up and doing my make up. I make sure I have everything I need all together, then head to the game.”

HC: How many hours a week do you spend practicing?
TM: “During football season I have practice from 4:00 pm-6:00 pm Monday through Friday and I practice every Saturday morning before football games. Sometimes it’s extra hours here and there. … During spring, I practice for competitions and auditions about 2-4 hours every day. It intensifies the closer a competition or auditions get. During summer I compete at the national championship … and I usually practice every day about 4-6 hours. It really depends on upcoming events and daily errands.”

HC: Is it hard managing twirling and classes?
TM: “It can be somewhat hard to manage, but I am better about using my time wisely when I am busy, so it kind of works well for me.”

HC: What do you plan, so far, on doing after graduation?
TM: “I would love to work for a retail company, not exactly sure what role I want in that yet, but be involved in new ideas and progress in some way, shape, or form. I also plan on teaching baton and attending as many FSU football games as I can!”

HC: You said that you plan on teaching baton in the future; does that mean you could see yourself twirling in the future?
TM: “I can see myself giving lessons and having students for the rest of my life. I definitely hope that when I have a daughter that she will want to twirl, because it is something I’ve always loved doing, and my mom has been the single most important person who helped make all my dreams come true in baton. She has driven me hours and hours to baton lessons and competitions and has rarely missed a performance. Both she and my dad drive to every single home football game in the fall and some away games as well. I hope I can share that with my daughter some day the way I’ve shared it with my mom.”

HC: Aside from all the twirling, what is something people wouldn’t expect out of you?
TM: “I like to play FIFA on xbox, and I am obsessed with Wii Just Dance 2!” [laughs]

Viviana Victoria is a sophomore at the Florida State University, class of 2013, double majoring in Retail Merchandising & Product Development and the new English track offered at FSU, editing, writing, and media. Born and raised in West Palm Beach, Florida, moving up to Tallahassee was quite a change. During her first year in college, after changing her major three times, she was fortunate enough to discover her passion for writing this early on. Her goal is to write for a major fashion magazine or to be a screenplay writer in the future. She is an active member of the Collegiate Merchandising Association (CMA) at FSU, as well as a contributing writer of College Magazine, an advice publication for college students founded by a graduate student of Maryland. Some of her interests include playing sports, reading, working out, and basically having a good time. Her ultimate life goal is to touch lives and to be remembered as the girl who always made people smile regardless of what was thrown her way.