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A Survival Guide to Studying Abroad Through FSU

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Last summer, I had the exciting (and daunting) opportunity to study Biology in London through FSU’s International Programs (IP) for eight weeks. While in London, I studied Genetics and Human Physiology with wonderful professors in a gorgeous city. I learned a lot of British slang, walked more than I imagined, and drank so much tea that I bled Earl Grey. When I got to the end of my program, I was amazed at how much I had seen and horrified by my bank account (she’s still recovering). Once my time was done, I was able to reflect on the whole experience and wished I had known a few things before I crossed the pond. It was a life-changing experience, and it seriously made me realize some innate traits about myself (including my obsessive need to plan for everything!). Enough about me, though. Here’s what I wish I had known.

1. FSU doesn’t pay for anything “extra”

Your tuition covers your tuition, housing, and some basic living necessities like a prepaid London public transit card (also known as an Oyster card). I will be real with you — I ran out of the money on my Oyster card before we hit five weeks. It didn’t account for the trips we took with our program at all. No matter your study abroad destination, I assume they’ll do the same for whatever mode of transit is popular in your city. If you’re set on London, though, I recommend taking the bus or walking to save your money.

2. It’s almost impossible to plan trips before you arrive

I was under the notion that I would get my day-to-day schedule months in advance, plan all my weekend trips around Europe, and have an exact plan of what my summer would look like. This didn’t happen at all, whatsoever.

I didn’t get our itinerary until about a week before I left the U.S. I had an Excel spreadsheet of all the trips I’d planned out with costs listed, flight times ready to snag, and everything ready to book. I ended up doing one out of six of those trips. For my fellow planners, it sucks, I know. But you’ll still manage to get somewhere!

3. You’ll probably get homesick

As much as I was excited to be abroad and explore a new city, there were times when all I wanted was to eat my dad’s chicken pot pie and hear my mother hum as she folded laundry. It’s a lot harder to feel connected to your loved ones when you’re 4,000 miles away from them and talking through WhatsApp. I was by myself on a trip to Spain, and in the airport, a song I listened to with my mother came on my Spotify. I started bawling in the middle of the bag check line at the Barcelona Airport. Full, hot tears streamed down my face in the middle of a crowded room with hundreds of Spaniards staring at me like I was insane. When I got home at the end of my session, I gave my parents the biggest hug I could.

4. You’re not in Tallahassee for a reason!

So many times, I was studying in my flat when I realized… there was an entire city to study in that I needed to explore! I went to cafes, libraries, and museums to study instead of a boring flat. Unlike Tallahassee where you may feel guilty for going to a concert instead of Strozier, in London, everyone encourages it. Your professors want you to explore the city and are willing to work with you! They want you to get the most out of your experience.

Coming from a perfectionist student, this is the one time I’m telling you to not put your academics above your desires. You’ll have the chance to learn the anatomy of the circulatory system. You know what you might not get? The chance to see the sunset over Big Ben while heading to see The Phantom of the Opera while sipping on a cuppa (cup of extremely hot tea). Just saying.


  • Don’t pay per day for phone service. Buy a 30-day EU SIM Card — it’s cheaper. Here is what I used.
  • Journal! You never know what each day brings, and now I can re-read about it for days to come.
  • If you stay in London and you’re a cheese girl, I’m sorry. British cheese sucks no matter what kind you get. Mozzarella was the only cheese that didn’t make me want to vomit.
  • Download the WaterMap app. Europe sucks for staying hydrated. This app will tell you where to find free water.
  • Say “tap” water at restaurants if you want water! Otherwise, you’ll get “still” water which is bottled and not free!
  • Be respectful to your flatmates/roomies! You’re stuck with them for the whole semester. Communicate well and be kind.

Overall, enjoy your time! This is a unique experience that you’ll look back on for years to come! It has a lot of ups and downs, but you must remain adaptable. Everything works out exactly the way it should, and you just need to trust in the process. Keep exploring because every day you’ll find something new. Now go ahead and open the IP applications and choose your path!

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Bailey Collier is a staff writer with the Florida State Her Campus chapter. Bailey intends to focus her articles on the STEM side of college life and make STEM not so scary (even though it's always written in caps)! In addition to writing for Her Campus, Bailey works as an Emergency Care Technician and Scribe at Tallahassee Memorial Hospital. Bailey is a senior majoring in Athletic Training and Editing, Writing, and Media at Florida State University. When she’s not saving the city on fire, she enjoys re-reading the Percy Jackson series whilst sitting next to her two beautiful orange cats, Zuko and Izumi. She plans to apply to Physician Assistant programs in the Spring and is biting her nails at even the thought of this.